I have scheduled exam for Adobe Experience Manager Professional sites developer certification exam, I also joined before 15 mins of scheduled time & exam proctoring window started, It downloaded an app & asked to join session on GoTo meetings app. But it kept saying "waiting for join". I waited for ...
I tried to get current logged in user using session and authorizable. But none of them giving the current user.Is there any other way to get the current user details ?
We are in AEMaaS. My team will be developing a new project and is considering using out of the box teaser component to potentially create 2 other components that would leverage that code (they would have the same dialog as the teaser component except limited style options specific to that use case) ...
I have a header-and-footer page created using header-and-footer template. please check content.xml of template<header-and-footer jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"><parjcr:lastModified="{Date}2016-01-19T11:35:36.644+01:00"jcr:lastModifiedBy="admin"jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"components="group:G...
Heeeeello devs!In our project, while trying to use the com.google.auth library, I am required to add the dependency com.google.guava version 33.3.0-jre. Despite adding and exporting this dependency via the bnd-maven-plugin, I am encountering the following error:Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundExce...
We have created custom workflow to rollout the page to country site and cq:lastModifiedBy and cq:lastRolledoutBy properties needs to be updated with logged in user once the workflow executed. Currently we have written the below code to update the properties for all the livecopy pages but only few li...
Hi Everyone,Similar issue has been faced, however no resolution:Unpublished pages in AEM are being included in sitemap.xml Even after un-publishing pages in AEM are being included in sitemap.xmlThe above screenshot is from publisher instance where de-sitemap.xml was un-published from author instance...
Just trying to put a service to automate the content import from dropbox using adobe's bulkimport services https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/assets/assets-view/bulk-import-assets-viewBulk import uses following artifact,<groupId>com.adobe.cq.dam</grou...
Hello, Do you support any type of technical account that can be used for git repositories in Cloud Manager to push and pull code from external repositories(hosted. e.g. in Azure DevOps)?
hi folks, Working as a contractor for a cloud development project; the client wants to create a new program and has asked Adobe CSM for the same.But just wanted to know is it chargeable to create a new environment as well?I have seen new environment being created on the fly for a particular program....