so I just realized there's a new(ish) version of page core component (latest version is v3) I'm trying to find if there's a table/summary of differences with the different versions of core components (page, breadcrumbs and etc). BUT I am not having any luck finding such information. Are you able to ...
*WARN* [ [1715722203217] GET /bin/querybuilder.json HTTP/1.1]$FulltextPathCursor Index-Traversed 20000 nodes with filter Filter(query=select [jcr:path], [jcr:score], * from [cq:Page] as a /* xpath: //element(*, cq:Pa...
Hello, I have a codebase in AEM6.5 that cannot read a OSGi config, using api, when @OSGIService is used instead of @reference.I see that when annotated with @OSGIService, the reference object is not empty, but the Config is always returned as NULL, though they ...
I'm trying to create a content Fragment with the HTTP API. I have generated the bearer token and I've set it to the request. URL: https://{{bucket}} Body:{ "properties": { "description": "New Content Fragment Description", "title": "N...
Hello, From various content it seems Edge Delivery's Document-Based authoring is relatively easier for Authors.It might specially be useful for the customers working with multiple agencies for content creation. What is your take on it? Is it easier with little/no training needed?What about Dynamic C...
I want to get the data inside master node, and the field which i want to get the data inside disclosure, a list of items. and can we have the data as an composite multifield. like the data should get store in item0, item1, item3 format
Hello all when using AEMaaCS any suggestions or recommendations on best practices for the executing scheduler on publisher ? I don’t like to use it but I know folks use it for link purge etc
Hi All I am trying to understand whether our existing AEM projects are utilizing a CDN. Could you assist me in identifying the following?How can we check the current configuration to see if a CDN (such as Fastly or Akamai) is being used with our AEM setup?Are there specific indicators or configurati...
Hi All ,Could you please share the details for below questions 1. What are the steps to clear the cache from the Dispatcher and the default Fastly CDN provided with AEM as a Cloud Service?2.How can we clear the cache from the Dispatcher and a different CDN such as Akamai? Specifically, I need to und...