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Asset Expiration


Level 4

Consider this:

I have added an Asset at 12, with expiry time for 2 pm today. Then when should i get the pre-expiry notification and post expiry notification?

My expiry notification config values are:

time based scheduler with cron expression 0 */30 * ? * *

prior notification is set to 360.

This thing is really confusing!

4 Replies


Community Advisor

Have you checked Adobe CQ DAM Expiry Notification. config


Arun Patidar


Level 4
Actually the problem is I have already gone through that doc for 6.5. But according to the doc i should get notified when the asset has expired. Whereas I dont get notified


Community Advisor
Yes, you should get notification in AEM inbox http://localhost:4502/aem/inbox

Arun Patidar


Level 4
yep, i should have, but i am not. and there are no error in the log