Hi all,
Plan to upload assets to AEM as a CS by following 3 step as mentioned in below link.
After completion of asset upload need to "replicate" and process few "custom metadata" for assets. How can we proceed for incorporating both features in existing code. Regarding Sling content distribution concept around replicate is unclear how to proceed.
Note: We are hitting 3step process from UI/front-end.
Any suggestions or inputs around would be really helpful.
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Hello @rsl_lucky
Please refer to post-processing workflows.
These can help you append custom metadata.
Once metadata is all set, you can use Replication API to replicate the content
AEM also provides OOTB workflow to replicate an entire tree.
I hope it helps !
Thanks for quick turn around on it.
Have referred somewhere that in AEMaaCS stop usage of replication agents and it's replaced with Sling Content Distribution to a pipeline service that is not part of AEM. Still do we have support for Replication API to replicate the content like we usually do it on-prem with api i.e., replicator.replicate().
Thank you..!!
Yes @rsl_lucky
We cannot create Custom replication Agents, but the default ones can be used by Replication API.
The documentation that I have shared earlier is of CLoud Service. Look for section "Replication with Specific Agents"
Thank you @aanchal-sikka for the information shared.
How session object of which user is used while replication in AEMaaCS.
Hello @rsl_lucky
Please refer to https://experience-aem.blogspot.com/2021/06/aem-cloud-service-asset-processing-profile-post-processi...
Its like a Workflow Step. So, you can get Session from it.
Thanks a lot, @aanchal-sikka for the details.
Let me explain the flow.
1. Initial, it starts with third party app invoke 3-step process (initiate upload, uploadURI, completeUpload) to upload assets onto AEMaaCS.
2. Once upload of asset complete on cloud service plan to capture event of asset creation (Event Handler) and proceed to process custom metadata & replication accordingly for it.
Now, post processing workflow model can be created but where shall it be linked in my case which requires event capturing when asset creates on AEM, custom metadata update and also replication.
Really appreciate your inputs here.
Hello @rsl_lucky
The custom metadata process can be added before " DAM Update Asset Workflow Completed Process
" in Post processing
For Replication, you can create a Workflow Launcher, that listens to the metadata update, related to " DAM Update Asset Workflow Completed Process
". It must be updating a metadata like dam:status (not sure of the exact property)
The workflow can seek approvals before replication, or bypass approvals and directly replicate the asset.
Does it make sense?
how can we link below 3 for complete flow execution.
1. Event Handler class i.e. event capture logic of asset creation.
2. Custom metadata thru post processing workflow model.
3. Replication of assets thru launcher as mentioned above.
Really helpful for your inputs here.
Can anyone suggest any option for the above use case how shall it can be taken forward ?
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Hello @rsl_lucky
The Adobe documentation shares the details on customizing Post-processing Workflow Configure and use asset microservices | Adobe Experience Manager
- Please refer the same to add any custom metadata
For Replication, you can set up a Workflow Launcher/Listener, which can check for Modification event on Assets. When relevant property like (dam:status=processed) is updated via "DAM Update Asset Workflow Completed Process" of Post-processing workflow:
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Hi @aanchal-sikka,
As mentioned for above use case ,can you share thoughts around this.
1. Initial, third party app invoke 3-step process (initiate upload, uploadURI, completeUpload) to upload assets onto AEMaaCS.
2. Once upload of asset complete on cloud service AEM will quick start and have to process custom metadata (comes as request attributes while upload request is made from front end) & replication of the assets.
Really appreciate inputs from anyone.
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