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AEM Upgradation from 5.5 to 6.2. Which API to be used for Collab dependency


Level 2

Hi All,

We are upgrading our CQ instance from 5.5 to AEM 6.2. We are basically using the below com.day.cq.collab : cq-collab-commons : 5.5.2 dependency in CQ 5.5. Since the collab API is deprecated in higher versions (https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-6-1/javadoc/com/day/cq/collab/commons/CollabUser.html), what is the alternative API's which can be used?

We are extensively using the below API's in the project. Since we are upgrading to AEM 6.2, we need to find out the alternative API's for the same.


Thanks In Advance

1 Accepted Solution


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Level 10
6 Replies


Level 10

THIs is a really good question - the Javadoc should state the replacement API. I am checking into this for you. 


Correct answer by
Level 10


Level 2

Thanks Scott for providing the latest doc link. 

I am not finding much upgraded documentation for com.day.cq.collab.commons.Rating and com.day.cq.collab.commons.RatingSystem. 

Do you have any pointer on this API, what should be the alternative api used for the Review and Ratings?



Level 9

Hi Swapna,

It is not possible to simply switch from 5.6.1 collab APIs to 6.2 social component framework (SCF) APIs.

You need to upgrade from 5.6.1 to 6.2.  One way to get a handle on the upgrade is to move from cq-socialcommunities-pkg-1.3 (delivered in AEM 5.6.1) to cq-socialcommunities-pkg-1.4.  Minimally, you'll change from using JSP components to HBS (HandleBars) components.

In AEM 6.2, you'll find "dev essentials" pages for all the components, including Reviews and Rating.

There is much to learn about the new framework.  One major feature is the replacement of replication to synchronize user generaged content (UGC) with a shared store, a storage resource provider (SRP).

Hope this helps,

- JK


Level 9


This question is being moved to the AEM Communities topic, where you will find more questions/discussions from others that may be of help.

See also README : About the AEM Communities Topic

- JK


Level 2

Thanks JK. Very useful information.