Hello Team,
I'm trying to do the AEM target integration.
I have completed the following steps by following the documenation from [1]
1. Enabling the targeting mode by adding the context hub
2. Done with AEM cloud services configuration by completing the target configuration and target framework.
After doing the above steps, I am playing with this application.
Using the ContextHub to setup GeoLocation data in the Experience Manager Toy Store site
I had to add granite.utils and cq.shared(for solving the javascript issues related to targeting mode not showing up and CQ not defined )
Now I could see that 3 segments are resolving as expected(summer season, geolocation-store-europe and geolocation-store-paris). But when I choose the france address from the context hub, it is not showing the geo location text related to france. I was getting the error, CQ_Analytics not defined in the console.
For solving the CQ_Analytics javscript issue on the console, I have added the dependency(cq.analytics), but after adding that I am getting a different issue. I am not seeing any resolved segments and in the console I am seeing the error.
test-context-hubstuff.html:335 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'de1661da-26e6-4f3c-be09-c879b1a1a5b7--author' of undefined
at test-context-hubstuff.html:335
(anonymous) @ test-context-hubstuff.html:335
test-context-hubstuff.html:473 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '0bcce201-784e-4c25-909e-e157686e1365--author' of undefined
at test-context-hubstuff.html:473
(anonymous) @ test-context-hubstuff.html:473
test-context-hubstuff.html:611 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '252dfb5c-b6db-4dd4-9ac7-7e5017dcf071--author' of undefined
at test-context-hubstuff.html:611
(anonymous) @ test-context-hubstuff.html:611
Attaching the screenshots for reference.

Best Regards,
[1] https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/6-3/sites/developing/using/target.html