Video: https://images-tv.adobe.com/mpcv3/5247/4df87c93-5bc0-43bc-94c3-6547e4d36c84_1620333042.854x480at800_h264.mp4
Quick Setup
Quick setup is an expedited walk-through illustrating how to install and run the WKND App and as a Remote SPA, and author it using AEM SPA Editor.
Quick setup takes you directly to the end state of this tutorial.
This tutorial requires the following:
AEM as a Cloud Service SDK
Node.js v14+
npm v7+
Java™ 11
Maven 3.6+
macOS only prerequisites
Xcode or Xcode command line tools
aem-guides-wknd.all.0.3.0.zip or greater
aem-guides-wknd-graphql source code
This tutorial assumes:
Microsoft® Visual Studio Code as the IDE
A working directory of ~/Code/wknd-app
Running the AEM SDK as an Author service on http://localhost:4502
Running the AEM SDK with the local admin account with password admin
Running the SPA on http://localhost:3000
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Kautuk Sahni