Hi Team,
Is there a way to add tabs dynamically in touch ui dialog.
I have a requirement as follows-
1. We have a composite multifield something like in the below example-
2. Here we are adding the fields in the same tab on click of add field button, instead if we want to add new tab on click of addfield and there again user will fill the same set of fields.
We are trying to achieve this as we have 10 fields as part of multifield.
Please let us know if we can achieve this.
Not clear on your question. Why not use multifield?
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Hi Steve,
We have a below requirement-
1.We have around 10 tabs in a tab container component.
2.Under each tab we have around 10 fields to be content authored.
3.To achieve above we would require a multifield with 10 fields for each tab .
4.But if we have 10 fields for each tab then there will be around 100 fields on the same page.
So not to have 100 fields on the same tab , we thought of having different tabs under dialog for each tab.
5. So on click of add field if we can generate a tab and there in if we can have 10 fields to be content authored.
Please let us know if its possible.
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I would recommend you to split the component, adding so many values from dialog box would not be a best practice.
But, to achieve what you are asking, Create a "N" tabs up-front (if fields are fixed) and using event handler you can hide or un-hide them.
Please have a look at this old post for your reference:- http://help-forums.adobe.com/content/adobeforums/en/experience-manager-forum/adobe-experience-manage...
For Hiding Tabs:-
Link:- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25244844/conditional-show-hide-of-fields-in-aem-6-dialogs
I hope this will help you.
Thanks and Regards
Kautuk Sahni
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Can you please look at the answer posted and let us know if these works for you or not.
If you have devised another way to resolve the issue, please post it here for the community benefit.
Thanks and Regards
Kautuk Sahni
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@kautuk_sahni Is there an option to create a tab dynamically instead of up-front in AEM 6.5 touch UI?
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