I am trying to setup dispatahcer setup in mac. I followed all the steps as per the documentation. When I try to access http://localhost/content/we-retail/us/en.html it is giving 404 response. When I try to check replication status I get "Not Found"
Apache log:-
==> access_log <==
::1 - - [27/Jun/2022:22:38:40 +0530] "GET /content/we-retail/us/en.html HTTP/1.1" 404 196 - - [27/Jun/2022:22:40:18 +0530] "GET /dispatcher/invalidate.cache HTTP/1.1" 404 196
Can anyone tell what could be the reason ?
Dispatcher version - 4.3.5
Apache version - 2.4
AEM version - 6.5
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Hi @Mario248 ,
Use Dispatcher SDK, with docker it's very easy to follow just few simple steps.
Adobe Docs: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/cloud-service/local-development-env...
Hope that helps!
Is this support AEM 6.5? or is it specific to AEM SDK?
Hi @Mario248 If you are not able access http://localhost/content/we-retail/us/en.html ie you dispatcher configurations are still missing something. Please check access and error logs.
For dispatcher flush agent, check /allowedClients, you local IP should be allowed. Check dispatcher logs for this. Once you test connection, you must see an entry in dispatcher logs(if your apache/dispatcher working properly). You can see in dispatcher logs which Farm is being used.
Check this, If this can help - https://youtu.be/S7p1cPVWME0
Thanks. I followed the video. it helped but I see "Connection Refused Error" .
When I check apache with "apachectl configtest", I get below error
so:error] [pid 8913] AH06665: No code signing authority for module at /private/libexec/apache2/mod_dispatcher.so specified in LoadModule directive.
httpd: Syntax error on line 191 of /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Code signing absent - not loading module at: /private/libexec/apache2/mod_dispatcher.so
Can you help me on below things,
1. Checked the permission for /private/libexec/apache2 and ensured it is allowed in "Secuirty and Privacy". What else to check to resolve this issue?
2. Why am I not seeing dispatcher.log in /private/var/log/apache2. But I see error.log and access.log. Any reason? Verified the permission for my username.
Hi @Mario248,
Can you share the httpd.conf and dispatcher.any file? And also check on the dispatcher.any and see if the /allowedClients property is updated correctly, it should have the ip of publish server and do check the docroot configuration as well.