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aem instance not working


Level 1

I am practising aem in my local. i updated java in my local and from then aem instance is not working. i cannot open author and publish instance. i can install aem once again but i might lose all the data. please help me on this. what should i do?

9 Replies


Community Advisor


Which version of java you updated and what is the version of AEM you are using? Can you check error.log to see what is the exception/errors you are getting while opening author/publish instance.

Error log will present under /crx-quickstart/logs/error.log.

Please share the error logs which helps us to analyze further on your issue.

Also check After upgrading Java version, AEM does not start up | AEM in case you are facing similar issue.


Level 1

I updated to java version "1.8.0_151". I am using AEM6.3.

Try Removing the following line from crx-quickstart/conf/sling.properties:


i TRIED CHECKING THIS. no such line exist. Thank you.


Level 10

Could you share the error.log and stderr.log snippets?


Level 1

Low-memory action set to fork

Using 64bit VM settings, min.heap=1024MB, min permgen=256MB, default fork arguments=[-Xmx1024m, -XX:MaxPermSize=256m]

The JVM reports a heap size of 1024 MB, meets our expectation of 1024 MB +/- 20

No console, will fork to get enough memory

Not forking JVM as -nofork option is set

Setting properties from filename 'C:/Users/Hemanth/Desktop/AEM6.3-20180223T145720Z-001/AEM6.3/aem6.3-author-p4702.jar'

Option '-quickstart.server.port' set to '4702' from filename aem6.3-author-p4702.jar

Verbose option not active, closing stdin and redirecting stdout and stderr

Redirecting stdout to C:\Users\Hemanth\Desktop\AEM6.3-20180223T145720Z-001\AEM6.3\crx-quickstart\logs\stdout.log

Redirecting stderr to C:\Users\Hemanth\Desktop\AEM6.3-20180223T145720Z-001\AEM6.3\crx-quickstart\logs\stderr.log

ResourceProvider paths=[/gui, /gui/default]

loadProperties: found /gui/default/gui.properties

loadProperties: found /gui/gui.properties

getResourceURL: found /gui/cq55icon_round_WIN_512x512.gif

getResourceURL: found /gui/cq55icon_round_WIN_256x256.gif

getResourceURL: found /gui/cq55icon_round_WIN_128x128.gif

getResourceURL: found /gui/cq55icon_round_WIN_64x64.gif

getResourceURL: found /gui/cq55icon_round_WIN_48x48.gif

getResourceURL: found /gui/cq55icon_round_WIN_32x32.gif

getResourceURL: found /gui/cq55icon_round_WIN_16x16_block.gif

getResourceURL: found /gui/gui_bg_start.png

getResourceURL: found /gui/gui_bg_on_blank.png

getResourceURL: found /gui/gui_bg_off.png

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Exported package names cannot be zero length.

at org.apache.felix.framework.util.manifestparser.ManifestParser.normalizeExportClauses(ManifestParser.java:898)

at org.apache.felix.framework.util.manifestparser.ManifestParser.<init>(ManifestParser.java:216)

at org.apache.felix.framework.ExtensionManager.<init>(ExtensionManager.java:250)

at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.<init>(Felix.java:429)


Level 10

As Ravi mentioned above, allocate more RAM when starting up AEM. If you're using Mac, use top to check RAM used by AEM and assign more using -Xmx2048m or 4096m


Level 2

Try Removing the following line from crx-quickstart/conf/sling.properties:


and start AEM it should work, worked for me.


Community Advisor

could you please explain not working means?

are you able to see system/console/bundles ? or other consoles in aem?


Level 1

I cannot see any console.


Community Advisor

It seems to be memory issue, try increasing memory and test. Check below post

trying to install CQ author instance ?

Also check whether system has sufficient free space