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AEM Component Toolbar Icons Missing


Level 1

Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 3.38.59 PM.png

While editing a page (under language masters), sometimes the toolbar for a component won't show all of the icons/options (red box). It seems to happen randomly for various components. I also notice it happens if I start browsing in a different tab/window and then come back to the edit screen.


A quick refresh of the page will fix it, but why is it happening and can it be prevented?

3 Replies


Community Advisor

@JacobSo1 Please specify the AEM version you are using. Also, can you once try and check behavior in vanilla instance. It may be an issue with particular service pack.


Level 1

AEM Cloud. I found that its in the Adobe backlog of bugs. I'll just hope it gets fixed soon.


Level 1

I'm facing similar issue. In one of the Author, when editing the page to link the 'Content Fragment Data' to the page element, I'm not seeing the 'Edit' and 'Configure' icon.

Screenshot 2024-12-27 at 10.05.05 PM.png

But only seeing the last icon which is 'Convert to experience fragment' icon (refer image below).

Screenshot 2024-12-27 at 10.05.22 PM.png

We are using AEM 6.5.12 version. Can you please help with this?