We have this property in a page: Author Content Fragment path: "/content/dam/content-fragments/authors/en/some-name"
When creating a language copy, I want the path to be changed to "/content/dam/content-fragments/authors/fr/some-name"
Currently it just keeps the same en route in the French language copy..
Anyone knows how to do that?
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From what I understand, the language copy is not based on the MSM, and therefor does not support its powerful mechanics to rewrite properties on the rollout.
(I find the naming and the documentation of these 2 features quite confusing.)
To change the path of an author content fragment in a language copy to include the language code (e.g. "fr" for French), you can use the "Rewrite URL" feature in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). Here are the steps you can follow:
Navigate to the "Rewrite URL" page in AEM. This can be found under "Tools" in the global navigation menu.
Click the "Add Rule" button to create a new rewrite rule.
In the "From" field, enter the original path of the author content fragment (e.g. "/content/dam/content-fragments/authors/en/some-name").
In the "To" field, enter the new path that you want the language copy to have (e.g. "/content/dam/content-fragments/authors/fr/some-name").
In the "Language" field, select the language that you want this rule to apply to (e.g. French).
Click the "Save" button to save your rewrite rule.
With this rewrite rule in place, any language copies of the author content fragment with the original path will be rewritten to the new path with the language code included. You can create additional rewrite rules for other languages as needed.
It is important to note that the rewrite rules you create will apply to all content in your AEM instance, not just author content fragments, so you should be careful to ensure that your rules do not conflict with other content paths.
So we manage our rewrite rules in the dispatcher in the code and not in AEM Author/Tools...
I tried the both of of following and it doesn't work:
First I tried:
What synchronization actions do you have configured in the livecopy? Checking https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-64/administering/introduction/msm-sync.ht... (which applies to newer version as well), you probably want to include the "referencesUpdate" option as well.
Thanks Jörg_Hoh, the problem I'm having is with the language copy and not the live copy.. The live copy roll out was correct...
From what I understand, the language copy is not based on the MSM, and therefor does not support its powerful mechanics to rewrite properties on the rollout.
(I find the naming and the documentation of these 2 features quite confusing.)
If you using some connector from a Third party for translation, please check with them as well, if they already support URL rewrite during translation import.
Example: Global Link adapters have configs for URL rewriting.
Sorry for not replying sooner!
I checked with our third party translation (Smartling). And they just told me to reinstall the standard package of Smartling Connector to see if the problem is fixed. I looked into the code of that package and there's nothing about link conversion...
So, so far, we haven't found a solution yet.