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AEM Cloud Service - Pass Request Parameters in React SPA Model JSON url | AEM Community Blog Seeding




AEM Cloud Service - Pass Request Parameters in React SPA Model JSON url by Sreekanth Choudry Nalabotu


Extend the React SPA ModelManager to pass request parameters like Access tokens, Cache killer...

1) Create the maven project for your AEM React SPA...

mvn -B archetype:generate -D archetypeGroupId=com.adobe.aem -D archetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype -D archetypeVersion=30
-D aemVersion=cloud -D appTitle="Experience AEM Extend Model Client" -D appId="eaem-spa-extend-model-client"
-D groupId="apps.experienceaem.sites" -D frontendModule=react -D includeExamples=n -D includeDispatcherConfig=n

2) Add logic for extending the ModelClient in file ui.frontend\src\utils\extend-model-client.tsx

import { ModelClient } from "@adobe/aem-spa-page-model-manager";

export const extendModelClient = () => {
const client = new ModelClient();

const extend = (modelClient:any) => {
const fetch = modelClient.fetch as Function;

modelClient.fetch = async function (modelPath:string):Promise {
try {
const jsonData = await fetch.call(this, modelPath + "?ck=" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999));
return Promise.resolve(jsonData);
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err);

return modelClient;

const modelClient:ModelClient = extend(client);

return modelClient;

export default extendModelClient;

3) While initializing the ModelManager pass the extended version of ModelClient eg. #4 in following ui.frontend\src\index.js

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AEM Cloud Service - Pass Request Parameters in React SPA Model JSON url


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Kautuk Sahni
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