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AEM 6.5 on prem and AEM Desktop App : Unable to load Asset from Desktop App


Level 3

Hi Everyone - We are on AEM version 6.5.14, our users are complaining that they are unable to add assets using AEM Desktop App. They are able to connect to AEM author instance, browse directories but they are unable to upload assets. I see following in our log file:

24.01.2023 12:11:18.426 *ERROR* [qtp1610116616-2041] com.adobe.granite.acp.platform.PlatformServlet No resource found at path: <asset>;resource=metadata

Am I missing any configuration? 


Thanks in advance


10 Replies


Level 9


Level 3

I went through this document before posting, it did not help. Thank You


Community Advisor

Can you once try with admin permissions if you are able to upload the assets .


Level 3

I am trying with admin user and get the below error:

03.02.2023 12:30:45.482 *INFO* [ [1675445445473] HEAD /api/assets/private/time-management.jpeg.json HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service: Resource /api/assets/private/time-management.jpeg.json not found
03.02.2023 12:30:45.498 *INFO* [qtp1559531807-78] com.adobe.granite.acp.platform.impl.ResourceRequestConfigImpl Unable to determine acpapi config. Defaults will be used
03.02.2023 12:30:45.498 *ERROR* [qtp1559531807-78] com.adobe.granite.acp.platform.PlatformServlet No resource found at path: /content/dam/private/time-management.jpeg;resource=metadata


Employee Advisor

I have tested with local AEM 6.5.14 and able to upload assets into DAM using desktop app -


Could you please check whether you are able to upload assets first. Then try to impersonate as client and give a try to upload assets via AEM Desk Top app.


Level 3

Thank You Debal for trying this use case. I am using my local aem instance and trying to upload assets using admin user credentials. Here is the error i see in log files (time-management.jpg is the file i am trying to upload using AEM desktop app):

03.02.2023 12:30:45.482 *INFO* [ [1675445445473] HEAD /api/assets/private/time-management.jpeg.json HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service: Resource /api/assets/private/time-management.jpeg.json not found
03.02.2023 12:30:45.498 *INFO* [qtp1559531807-78] com.adobe.granite.acp.platform.impl.ResourceRequestConfigImpl Unable to determine acpapi config. Defaults will be used
03.02.2023 12:30:45.498 *ERROR* [qtp1559531807-78] com.adobe.granite.acp.platform.PlatformServlet No resource found at path: /content/dam/private/time-management.jpeg;resource=metadata


Employee Advisor

While uploading asset via AEM Desktop app I am seeing INFO below -

05.02.2023 17:59:53.436 *INFO* [ [1675600193357] HEAD /api/assets/we-retail/en/people/mens/aem-gems-012016-oak-lucene-indexes-async-local.pdf.json HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service: Resource /api/assets/we-retail/en/people/mens/aem-gems-012016-oak-lucene-indexes-async-local.pdf.json not found


in error.log file but I am able to upload asset into via AEM Desktop app.


Could you please check the status of com.adobe.granite.acp.platform.PlatformServlet component via /system/console/components at your end -






Employee Advisor

What is the functional significance of private folder [path: /content/dam/private/time-management.jpeg].

I have seen in your logger statement.


Level 3

@DEBAL_DAS - private is a name of folder, there is no functional significance. I get same error even if i try uploading asset in we-retail folder.


Level 3

@DEBAL_DAS - I am able to resolve the issue. We have overwritten 404 file under /apps/sling which was returning 200 status which caused the issue. Thanks a lot for your help.