I would like to bulk tagging for multiple page at same time via ui. When multiple pages are selected it showing only 'Social Media' Tab. I would like to add custom tab next to "Social Media" and add selection dialog, in custom tab, to select tags and Save them to selected pages.
Any ideas how it can be done?
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@Rajendar_Gangan for fields and tabs to appear in bulk editor screen, they have to be enabled..
Define the following property on the field node:
Name: allowBulkEdit
Type: Boolean
Value: true
@Shashi_Mulugu Thanks for your response. However, this is not working for me.
If I overwrite cq_dialog definition of Page component then its working. Following is what I added in dialog definition.
@Rajendar_Gangan Did you find the suggestions from users helpful? Please let us know if more information is required. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, please share it with the community.
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