We installed sp2 in our 6.4 instance,
and some issues were found.
When using cq:actions editannotatecopymovedeleteinsert, the edit toolbar options aren't clickable like it was on aem 6.4.
Example (classic ui view)
The options in uppercase doesn't work
Separating by comma using:
The edit and annotate stays as in the print above while the rest works ok.
Anyone also had the same issue? Or has some suggestion?
We don't have the intention of migrating to touch ui as of now.
If this worked before and not know - it could be a bug.
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I tried in AEM 6.4 SP2 instance and I am able to click on Cut, Copy, Paste options in classic pages (cf#)
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Hi ravip15579397 are you using the action config mentioned above? If possible can you share how it's specifically so I can see if there's any difference.
Also in the .content.xml file are you setting a sling:resourceType or sling:resourceSuperType?
Trying to get the difference in our configurations here.
smacdonald2008 yes it was working on aem 6.4 but not on 6.4.2, from the release notes it looks like there shouldn't be a change in this functionality, but it was something we noticed after installing SP2.
Thanks for both responses
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Adding to the thread we saw that the package acs-aem-commons-3.17 column control component has the action configs of cq:actions="[text:Column Control,edit,annotate,delete]"
But on author view the annotate for it doesn't work too.
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Update regarding this issue.
We noticed on our html of author view, there are some scripts that calls CQ.WCM.edit() function.
We noticed a difference that is causing the issue in SP2 that is different from an environment without SP2.
This is the place that calls wcm.edit without sp2:
CQ.WCM.edit({"path":"/content/test/en/users/ea2/henrique/test-annotate/jcr:content/common_content_iparsys/editprofile","dialog":"/apps/janrainna/components/modal/EditProfile/dialog","type":"janrainna/components/modal/EditProfile","csp":"MainTemplate|SiteRoot|page|basicpage/common_content_iparsys|iparsys|parsys/EditProfile|parbase","editConfig":{"xtype":"editbar","listeners":{"afteredit":"REFRESH_PAGE","afterinsert":"REFRESH_PAGE"},"inlineEditing":CQ.wcm.EditBase.INLINE_MODE_NEVER,"actions":[{"xtype":"tbtext","text":"Edit Profile NA (Modal)"},{"xtype":"tbseparator"},CQ.wcm.EditBase.EDITANNOTATECOPYMOVEDELETEINSERT],"disableTargeting":true},"msm:liveRelationship":{"msm:syncPath":"/en/users/ea2/henrique/test-annotate/jcr:content/common_content_iparsys/editprofile","msm:sourcePath":"/content/coke-preview/en/users/ea2/henrique/test-annotate/jcr:content/common_content_iparsys/editprofile","msm:targetPath":"/content/test/en/users/ea2/henrique/test-annotate/jcr:content/common_content_iparsys/editprofile","msm:liveCopyPath":"/content/test","msm:liveCopyBpPath":"/content/test-preview","msm:isDeep":true,"msm:isInheritedConfig":true,"msm:isRootConfig":true,"msm:status":{"msm:isCancelled":false,"msm:isCancelledForChildren":false,"msm:isCancelledOn":"","msm:isEditable":true,"msm:isTargetExisting":true,"msm:isSourceExisting":false,"msm:isPage":false,"cq:lastRolledout":"","cq:lastRolledoutBy":"","msm:isSourceModified":false,"msm:isSourceDeleted":false,"msm:isTargetFromDifferentTree":false,"msm:isTargetSkipped":false,"msm:isTargetModified":false,"msm:isTargetDeleted":false,"msm:isTargetManuallyCreated":true,"msm:cancelledProperties":[]},"cq:rolloutConfigs":["/libs/msm/wcm/rolloutconfigs/default"],"msm:computationTime":-1}});
And this is with SP2
CQ.WCM.edit({"path":"/content/test/en/users/henrique/login-registration/jcr:content/pageContent/editprofile","dialog":"/apps/janrainna/components/modal/EditProfile/dialog","type":"janrainna/components/modal/EditProfile","csp":"MainTemplate|SiteRoot|page|basicpage/pageContent|parsys/EditProfile|parbase","editConfig":{"xtype":"editbar","listeners":{"afteredit":"REFRESH_PAGE","afterinsert":"REFRESH_PAGE"},"inlineEditing":"CQ.wcm.EditBase.INLINE_MODE_NEVER","actions":[{"xtype":"tbtext","text":"Edit Profile NA (Modal)"},{"xtype":"tbseparator"},"CQ.wcm.EditBase.EDITANNOTATECOPYMOVEDELETEINSERT"],"disableTargeting":true}});
There're some differences regarding the page being a livecopy, path etc... but those shouldn't matter for this issue.
The main factor we noticed is the actions property.
Which without SP2 is
actions":[{"xtype":"tbtext","text":"Edit Profile NA (Modal)"},{"xtype":"tbseparator"},CQ.wcm.EditBase.EDITANNOTATECOPYMOVEDELETEINSERT]
and with SP2 it's
"actions":[{"xtype":"tbtext","text":"Edit Profile NA (Modal)"},{"xtype":"tbseparator"},"CQ.wcm.EditBase.EDITANNOTATECOPYMOVEDELETEINSERT"]
It's noticed that with SP2 instead of pointing to the const CQ.wcm.EditBase.EDITANNOTATECOPYMOVEDELETEINSERT
it's passing a String "CQ.wcm.EditBase.EDITANNOTATECOPYMOVEDELETEINSERT" foward thus causing the issue in the js when it tries to check the actions on applyConfigDefaults: function(config, defaults)
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Just updating this thread.
A daycare was open and from adobe reply it's a bug in sp2.
There's no hotfix yet, if we receive any update regarding it we'll update this thread too.
we are also facing the same issue. Edit and Annotate in the Editbar are not clickable. Has it been fixed in 6.4 SP3 ?
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Hi, did you find the solution to fix? If yes could you assist me please, I have the same issue. It is reproducible on SP3
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I did not find the solution yet. Would be happy to have some pointers to solve the issue.
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I've also found that in 6.4 SP2 Classic UI, the "Drag components here..." area is missing. This is due to the "null" value in the "actions" array rendered by the WCMComponentFilter. Executing the same code without the "null" value renders the drag'n'drop area.
This is NOT reproducible in 6.2 without SP2 installed.
After investigating this issue a little more, I managed to track it down to "/libs/wcm/foundation/components/parsys/newpar/cq:editConfig". This node contains an unexpected "cq:actions" value of "_clear", which the ComponentEditConfigImpl class doesn't know how to render.
Removing this value fixes the issue.
We had exactly the same issue with AEM 6.4 SP3. Fixed it with an overlay of the described node under /libs/wcm/foundation/components/parsys/newpar/cq:editConfig.
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We are also facing the same issue. Raised a day care ticket with adobe. But I can suggest some workaround.
In the edit config node, update edit instead of editannotate in the cq :actions. it will work.
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