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AEM 6.4 - DMS7 Integration issue



Hi Team,

Oflate, we are facing lot of issue with respect to AEM- DM S7 Integration.

We see that asset gets ingested in Scene7, as part of DAM UPDATE ASSET workflow.

However , it does not reflect/respond back to AEM with Scene7 specific metadata properties.

Specifically, dam:Scene7filestatus property does not get updated. It remains as Upload Start.

Because of this, asset is always shown as processing in card view.

How to address this?

6 Replies


Level 2

You can check whether Dynamic Media Asset Activation (scene7) replication agent is enabled or not. This should be enabled.



Yes.. it is active.

But, still issue occurs.

Does it need any reverse replication agent setup to get back from Scene7 to AEM?


Level 2

No It doesn't. As soon as you upload image in author, image will be uploaded into DM. you can check in which mode you have configured your DM configuration , if it's upon activation,  you can publish the Image and check whether it's resolved the issue or not. Make sure your local publish instance is up if you are trying from your local.

Since all the metadata properties are getting synced using the scene7 even handlers, check the error.log and scene7 log file during this process.


Community Advisor

Hi Venkatesh,


Wondering if you get to know the reason why it was happening? we are facing same issue on AEM 6.5.2


Though this issue doesn't appear always, but randomly popsup every couple of days.


~ Runal


Level 1

Hi Team, 

Dynamic media images are not showing in aem author instance edit mode which is working fine in design mode. 400 bad request in showing in edit mode console. Please let me know the root cause