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AEM touch UI editting/adding components in author instance is not working


Level 1


We are upgrading from AEM 6.3 to AEM 6.4.

And while working with AEM we have encounter a problem of loosing the possibility to

edit in touch UI the existing components or to add new components in parsys.

The edit/configure/add actions are just not there any more.

This seems to happen after deploying javascript/css changes into /etc/designs/clientlibs.

Had anyone experiences such issue ?

What are the required permissions for a user to be able to edit/modify content in author instance?

Initially I thought that this was some weird permissions lost issue, but it does not seem to be so.

Any ideas are welcomed, since I am a bit lost with this strange problem

Kind regards,


3 Replies


Employee Advisor

This looks like a known issue with the SP3 install.To workaround this issue:

1. Go to Package Manager       

2. Reinstall package "cq-ui-wcm-admin-content-1.0.1004.zip"

3. Recompile all JSPs (http://<AEM HOST>:<AEM PORT/system/console/slingjsp) OR Restart the instance.


Level 1

I have tried that, but it did not resolve the issue.

Upgrading to 6.4.4 did not help as well.

We are using some custom handlebars instead of HTL/Sightly and I have noticed and error related to it.

Are there any changes related to handlebars support between 6.3 and 6.4 ?


Employee Advisor

As per the repository restructuring[1] in 6.4, /etc/designs node was moved to /libs/settings/wcm/designs

You might need to create new overlay under "/apps/settings/wcm/design"

[1] Pomocník pre Adobe Experience Manager | Repository Restructuring in AEM 6.4