Hi All
we are currently facing heap space issue on AEM.
The leak was found and it was fixed with help of AEM documentation.
1. Increasing heap memory
2. https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/vmoptions-jsp.html#DebuggingOptions
3. Use the flag "-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit" to over come the error. we will disable the error occurrence.
4. change the instance type( we are using AWS)
5. use minimum 16 GB RAM.
The leakage was controlled by using above solution.
Our usecase is , we would like to monitor and create watcher and alerts using ELK.
we came across the ELK- metric beats ( there is a module- jolokia, this agent is used to get the jvm metrics)
here is the question:
Did anyone come across this setup?
Please let me know if some configured jolokia agent on AEM.
Thanks in advance