Environment Information:
AEM version : 6.2
Adobe Campaign version : 6.1
Adobe campaign Hybrid Model
Adobe campaign Mid sourcing deployment model
Adobe campaign on premise marketing wfserver build number: 8861
Adobe campaign client console build number: 886
Below steps were followed to create an email delivery:
1. Created campaign email
2. Published page
3. Started workflow : Approve for Campaign
4. Approved content
5. Started workflow : Publish to Campaign
6. On the Campaign Delivery console when Sync button is pressed, the image is not loaded. However when I open the delivery already created by the "Publish to Campaign" workflow in AEM, the same image loads in the delivery console.
When the sync button is pressed the image path is a relative one. So the image is not loaded without the domain name or IP address.
PUBLISHED FROM "Publish to Campaign" WORKFLOW:
In the delivery which is auto created by the "Publish to Campaign" workflow in AEM, the image has the complete URL including the domain name or IP address of my publisher. So the image is displayed.
I have configured my externalizer as per the documentation Integrating with Adobe Campaign 6.1
Is there some config which I am missing, Please help me to understand.
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The documentation should provide all of the steps?
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Yes, documentation provides all the steps. Did you go through the problem stated above?
Here is the problem in short:
When "Publish to Campaign" workflow is triggered, image URL found in campaign delivery rich text editor
When Sync button is clicked and an email content is selected, image URL found in campaign delivery rich text editor
So why does this happen, is there some config that I have missed ?
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Feike Visser can you please have a look at this one!!
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Any updates on this, we have the same issue.
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Hi atuls35897406
Have you tried the below option?
Check the HTML source and validate that you can open the URL from the client machine. If the URL has localhost:4503 in it, then change the configuration of Day CQ Link Externalizer on your author instance to point to a publish instance that can be reached from the Adobe Campaign console machine.
See Configuring the Externalizer.
Prem Kumar Ganesan