One of the page of our site is not editable, on checking its properties we found out that the has a property "jcr:isCheckedOut" marked as false and that's why we were not able to edit that page.
I could just find that it is related to versioning. But could not figure out, how it happened and to change it back to true.
Please help
I too facing the same issue. do you find any solution for this? Please share if you have any solution.
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Any update?
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You can call checkout() on the page node. I tried and it works.
Link:- Node (Content Repository for Java Technology API Version 2.0)
1) Go to CRX Explorer
2) Navigate to the /jcr:content node for the affected page
3) Click on the Versions button on the top menu bar, click on Checkout
Calling checkout on the node has been deprecated, but the recommended method is nearly as simple. Assuming you've got a session:
VersionManager (Content Repository for Java Technology API Version 2.0)
I had the same problem, and in the latest AEM 6.3 there is no Version menu options in CRX. So I found a solution to set jcr:isCheckedOut from false to true in Touch UI, by simply go to the site console, select the page, and in the left command panel, create a new version. This will then make the current page "checkedOut", so the false will be set to true and should be able to edit the page now;-)
So do what was mentioned about using the 'version' menu - you need to use the crx explorer, not crx de.