Environment : AEM 6.1
Issue : While minifying css, the calc function is also minified.
Ex: if i have width:calc(100% - 30px) is minified to width:calc(100%-30px) which is invalid in css and it does not work as expected.
Workaround : AEM 6.1(granite UI) uses latest YUI compressor which is 2.4.8.
YUI compressor 2.4.8 does not have a check not to minify calc function.
So we might have to change YUI compressor to accommodate these changes
Clone https://github.com/yui/yuicompressor.git
Add https://github.com/yui/yuicompressor/pull/245 change to it
Build yuicompressor and update granite UI bundle with the new yuicompressor jar file, This fixes my calc minifying issue.
Do we have any other approach to fix this issue ?