Hello All,
I am preparing myself to take the Adobe experience manager business practitioner Exam, And, I was looking to find practice exams to take before attempting the real one.
When I search online for practice exams related to Adobe experience manager business practitioner, I find practice exams with exam code AD0-E102 instead of AD0-E126
My question is:
Does anyone know what is exam code AD0-E102 related to ? Or What is the difference between AD0-E102 & AD0-E126 ?
Thank you All
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In general I would say that both exams should not be very technical. They are business oriented, and the way how specific AEM functionalities can be utilize to meet business requirements.
I think that Professional (AD0-E126) exam should be easier, and if this is your first Adobe exam it probably be better to start with it. It is not only about the difficulty of exam itself but also to get familiar with entire exam process.
Keeping in mind that Adobe provides sample tests for both levels, I would suggest to explore them - it will give you good feedback what you can expect also in terms of technical knowledge level that is required, and help decide which one you would like to take.
Hi @kdagestany ,
Below is details about Adobe experience manager business practitioner Exam
On above pages you will find all you need, in terms of each certificate, like objective and scope, sample exam etc.
You can find full list of currently available certificates under certificates catalogue here: https://learning.adobe.com/certification.html?solution=Adobe%20Experience%20Manager
Answering your question - AD0-E102 Adobe Experience Manager Business Practitioner Expert (Retired- April, 2021) is retired/old certification on Expert level.
In general Professional certification is an entry level and Expert is for Intermediate for Adobe certification.
Hope that helps!
Hi @kdagestany,
AD0-E102 is the old (retired) version of Adobe Experience Manager Sites Business Practitioner Expert exam. AD0-E102 has been replaced by AD0-E121. Here are Adobe official documents:
AD0-E126 is current version of Adobe Experience Manager Sites Business Practitioner Professional exam.
In general Adobe provides 3 levels of certificates: Professional, Expert and Master. You can find full list of currently available certificates under certificates catalogue.
Both above exams AD0-E121 and AD0-E126 are valid, but represents different level of complexity and are targeted to audience with different level of experience in AEM.
Professional certificate is an entry level for Adobe certification. However it is not required to do Professional before you go with Expert level.
Good luck on your exam!
Thank you so much that was very helpful
However it made think about another question
Which one of these two exams (AD0-E121 and AD0-E126) are less complex and more related to AEM fundamentals? such as creating pages, adding templates and components, rollout, and all other AEM functionalities. (something not very technical)
I hope that make sense ^_^
In general I would say that both exams should not be very technical. They are business oriented, and the way how specific AEM functionalities can be utilize to meet business requirements.
I think that Professional (AD0-E126) exam should be easier, and if this is your first Adobe exam it probably be better to start with it. It is not only about the difficulty of exam itself but also to get familiar with entire exam process.
Keeping in mind that Adobe provides sample tests for both levels, I would suggest to explore them - it will give you good feedback what you can expect also in terms of technical knowledge level that is required, and help decide which one you would like to take.
Thank you again Lukas, that was very helpful. I think I will take the sample tests for both exams and see how I score in each one of them. It will help me to decide the exam I will start with based on the topics.
Yes this is my first Adobe AEM exam. I work as a Business Analyst and I think AD0-E126 might be more fit.
The sample exam is about 15 questions only. I was wondering if you know about any other sources that I can use to expose myself to more questions?
Really appreciate your time and answers
Can you share the links for the sample tests. I was not able to find them.
Any dumps available for AD0-E126?
Thank you,
I have taken the (AD0-E126) exam and passed the test.
Do you have AD0-E126 dumps?
if anybody want to pass any adobe certification than i think this site is best for your clear the certification at first attempt. https://www.qa4exam.com/adobe-qa
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Can anyone suggest what's learning material link for Adobe experience manager - business practitioner exam? I am not working with Adobe stacks and would like to learn and get certified so that I can show my credentials in the market.
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