Learn how to manage environment variables with AEM as a Cloud Service and use them in the context of a build process or OSGI configuration variables.
9-Feb, 11:45 AM - 12:15 PM PST
Shankari Panchapakesan & Raul Hudea
Please use this thread to ask the question related to this Session.
Q. Can you use the json format and environment variables for osgi configs also in on-premise or AMS AEM's |
A. the variable interpolation works with any configuration serialization -- properties, json, sling:OsgiConfig nodes | there is a way to use this with the AEM as a Cloud Service SDK |
Q. Can I set multiple variables at once? |
A. yes multiple variables can be set using the CLI tool all at one time |
Q. Are the secrets / configs added to the store version? Or overwritten? |
A. The latest version will be used |
Q. Variables are set and stored, for any update they need to be deleted prior a release? |
A. correct, no delete needed |
Q. Is this functionality available only in AEM Cloud Services? How about AEM 6.5 with CM? |
A. pipeline variables are available with AEM 6.5 with CM |
Q. Can but they are set for author and publish? |
A. It has to be set at the environment level | depending on what you want to do you can set variables like AUTHOR_PASSWORD and PUBLISH_PASSWORD |
Q. where can I get AEM AIO CLI? |
A. here is the plugin: https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-cloudmanager |
Q. does aio come default with cloud manager? or it needs separate license |
A. Chandu Thimmareddy aio is the standard way to interact with AEM as a Cloud Service | no additional license needed |
Q. Can we change Environment variable at run time, when AEM is running ? like a token or password |
A. Yes, but it is not instant. It takes a little time to be applied (the environment will be in updating state while variables are being updated in AEM) |
Q. Can we set environment variables prior to code deploy? |
A. Yes, as long as the environment is in Running state. |
Q. "secret"-variables means what in detail regarding security? |
A. Secrets are stored encrypted at rest |
Q. For OSGi configs can we use Secret Storage solutions like Azure Key Vault as well ? |
A. No. |
Q. But how to set passwords and tokens for Local AEM sdk, as its not connected to cloud manager? |
A. The org.apache.felix.configadmin.plugin.interpolation.secretsdir needs to be set. More details can be found at https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/implementing/deploying/conf... |
Q. AEM Cloud SDK? did you mean AEM as a Cloud Service SDK? |
A. AEM as a Cloud Service SDK |
@kautuk_sahni - I coundnt find video attached here, Can you pls upload video ?
Let me check this internally and get back to you.
Thanks kautuk.
@kautuk_sahni Is there documentation/pdf to go along with this presentation? Are there some examples somewhere? I see it was mentioned it can be used to disable cache in dev. Is there an example of this? Thanks!
Let me check this internally.
thank you
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