Session Details
Understand ACDL’s event-driven API. A Commerce example will show how the Core Components hydrate it and the Launch extension interfaces with AA and AT.
Session Schedule
8-Feb, 11:45 AM - 12:15 PM PST
Jean-Christophe Kautzmann, Laurentiu Magureanu & Benedikt Wedenik
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Session FAQs
Q. What version of Core Components supports this?
A. The Core Components support the Adobe data layer since version 2.9.0
Q. Is this layer also pluggable for AMP variation of core components as well?
A.You need to integrate the data layer into your custom component as Laurentiu is presenting it
Q. Is this integration possible with custom components that were created in JSP and not HTL?
A. The ootb integration does not support components written in JSP. The Sling Models however usually can be initialized from JSP without any issue.
Q. Can the ACDL co-exist with an older CEDDL? If yes, would that be a recommended approach to move to an EDDL rather than a big bang migration? what will be the recommended way to migrate to ACDL/EDDL?
A. Technically the co-existance is not an issue as long as the objects have different names. E.g. adobeDataLayer and existingEddlObject.
If an existing data layer is already implemented in an event-driven fashion, the migration should not be a lot of effort.
One thing to keep in mind, is the eventInfo part of the ACDL. The information pushed into this section will not be part of the computed state at a later stage.
The suggestion is to fill this section with transient information only relevant for the specific event – opposite to global information which shall be available throughout the lifetime of other events as well.
Q. Can we use the category provided in the ACDL and create audiences in Target?
A. Yes.
Q. Why is clearing the datalayer variables upon sending a custom conversion event before setting the variables relevant to the event?
A.This is a best-practice used widely across industries. When not clearing the variables, one could run into problems like having unwanted variables set on a tracking call. Thus, being defensive mitigates many potential issues. Clearing before sending is one approach. The opposite would be to clean up after sending, which is also valid but one needs to be more careful.
Q. OOTB components put lot of information in DOM and datalayer, can we trim them for better performance?
A. The Core Components come with a minimalistic set of properties in the data layer. It’s not possible to disable them. If you want to customize the properties you can create custom components by extending the Core components. Please read the section “Enabling the Data Layer for Custom Components” for more details:
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Kautuk Sahni