Hello everyone,
I have given my exam on 30th Oct 2022, and since then I haven't received any communication on the results. Certmetrics does not display any update (Pass/Fail). Neither an Email to certif@adobe.com has got any response.
Has this ever happened to anyone, can someone please direct me to appropriate channel, where I can raise this.
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@krati_garg It's been a long time that you haven't received your certification. Have you got the results at the end of the test?
It happened to me for ADO-E600 exam where I haven't received any communication regarding my result. I reached out to spphelp@adobe.com; certif@adobe.com; adobe.psisupport@psionline.com and did lots of follow up and after 2 weeks, I received my result.
Hi @krati_garg,
This is strange, I passed few exams so far, and I got initial results immediately after the exam - so I knew if I passed or failed. And within 48 hours I got final results with all the details under Certmetrics. Maybe there is some issue on exam company side. I think currently Adobe is cooperating with 2 exam companies:
It is also weird that you did not received any feedback from certif@adobe.com
I would suggest to contact Examity (support@examity.com) or PSI (exam.supportDM@psionline.com) support depending which one you choose for your exam - maybe they did not transferred the results to Certmetrics.
One last thing that came into my mind, is that maybe you have multiple Adobe IDs and you're just using incorrect to check results under Certmetrics. As far as I know you can have multiple Certmetrics accounts correlated with different Adobe IDs.
@lukasz-m Thanks for replying on this. Please see below points:
1. Immediate results show me passed, Score was also shared by Examity
2. Examity Support has responded that Exam was successfully submitted to the test taking institution
3. Yes, it can be issue with different IDs merging into one. I had taken few exams from my personal Ids, and then I got them merged with my Adobe ID, this year. This is the first exam I have taken after the merger.
All my past certifications are reflecting in Certmetrics with Adobe Id after the merger.
4. Also, even if I login from my personal Ids, it is redirecting to Adobe Id.
5. I received my Booking Appointment for Assets Exam on the same Adobe Id
How to fix this issue?
Hi @krati_garg
My experience with Certification Support <certif@adobe.com> was always great. Even though they might not respond immediately, they will surely get back. Just try dropping them a reminder mail and see if you can get this sorted out with them
Veena ✌
Thanks Veena.
I am sending reminder emails, but nothing can get them to respond. Hence, I am looking for an individual from the Certification team, who can address my issue.
Hi @krati_garg
It happened to me as well for ADO E 600 exam. I wrote the test and waited for few days but nothing appeared on cermetrics portal. I did my test through PSI so I reached out to certif@adobe.com adobe.psisupport@psionline.com and sent lots of follow up emails. It took couple of weeks and after that the issue got resolved and results appeared on the cermetric portal.
I gave it via Examity, and they have confirmed that the exam was successfully submitted to the Exam Institution.
Continuously following up - no success yet
@krati_garg Continue following up with certification team.