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Access OSGI ser­vice from Sightly WCMUsePojo | AEM 6.3


Level 2

Create AEM 6.3 component making use of WCMUsePojo accessing OSGI Service.

Step 1: Create an interface name OSGITestInterface.java that will be implemented by service impl.

public interface OSGITestInterface {

String getOSGIName();

String getOSGIDesc();

String getOSGIuse();

String getOSGIData();


Step 2: Create a Interface Implementation class name OSGITestInterfaceImpl.java

import org.slf4j.Logger;

import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;

import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;



public class OSGITestInterfaceImpl implements OSGITestInterface {

Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OSGITestInterfaceImpl.class);


public String getOSGIName() {

  return "Test Service";



public String getOSGIDesc() {

  return "AEM OSGI Service";



public String getOSGIuse() {

  return "OSGI Service data";



public String getOSGIData() { 

  String name = this.getOSGIName();

  String desc = this.getOSGIDesc();

  String use = this.getOSGIuse();

  return name + desc + use;



Step 3: Create Test Component and use below sightly code in component html.

Fetch values from OSGI Service using WCMSUepojo.

    <sly data-sly-use.info="com.test.utils.TestPojoComp"></sly>



Step 4: Write helper class extending WCmUsePojo.

import org.slf4j.Logger;

import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.adobe.cq.sightly.WCMUsePojo;

public class TestPojoComp extends WCMUsePojo {

Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestPojoComp.class);

protected String detail;


  public void activate() {  

OSGITestInterface service = getSlingScriptHelper().getService(OSGITestInterface.class);

    detail = service.getOSGIData();


  public String getDetails() {

    return this.detail;



Step 5: Create webpage using any of existing template. Drag and drop newly created component into the page.

Validate output.

18 Replies


Level 10

Good Community work!!



Level 10

Nice summary - we show this pattern here - where the service we hook into from WCMUsePojo queries the JCR -- Scott's Digital Community: Creating an AEM HTL component that queries the JCR



You can also use the OSGi-service directly in HTL, so in this case no need for a wrapper-class.


Level 7

How we can use services directly in Sightly?


Community Advisor


Services can be injected through sling model, in below example SlingSettingsService service is injecting and used in HTL

Adobe Experience Manager Help | Creating an Adobe Experience Manager HTML Template Language componen...

Arun Patidar



You can just use data-sly-use for this, no need to create wrapper classes.


Level 7

First scenario worked when I called my WCM use class in my sightly like below :

<p data-sly-use.search="amitsample.core.filters.Develope">



but this second scenario dint work when i tried calling my service directly in my sightly:

<p data-sly-use.servObj="amitsample.core.filters.HelloService">



For this i got error like:

Error during include of component '/apps/amitsample/components/content/servicecompo'

Error Message:

org.apache.sling.scripting.sightly.SightlyException: Identifier amitsample.core.filters.HelloService cannot be correctly instantiated by the Use API

Processing Info:

Resource Path=/content/srevice/jcr:content/par12/servicecompo
Cell Search Path=pagerendring|page/par12|parsys/servicecompo
Component Path=/apps/amitsample/components/content/servicecompo

Any Idea?

My other code :



And these are my code:

package amitsample.core.filters;

import com.adobe.cq.sightly.WCMUse;

import amitsample.core.filters.HelloService;

import org.slf4j.Logger;

import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class Develope extends WCMUse {

Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Develope.class);

protected String details;


  public void activate() throws Exception {

  HelloService serv= getSlingScriptHelper().getService(HelloService.class);


logger.info("this is the first log values");



   public String getDetails() {


    return details;





package amitsample.core.filters;


* A simple service interface


public interface HelloService {



     * @return the name of the underlying JCR repository implementation


    public String getRepositoryName();




package amitsample.core.filters;

import javax.jcr.Repository;

import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;

import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;

import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;

import org.apache.sling.jcr.api.SlingRepository;


@Component(metatype = false)

public class HelloServiceImpl implements HelloService {



    private SlingRepository repository;

    public String getRepositoryName() {

        return repository.getDescriptor(Repository.REP_NAME_DESC);




Level 3

Hi AdobeID24​,

I also faced similar issue.As mentioned do not use capital case in package name as It will not get instantiate

import amitsample.core.filters.HelloService;

You can use :amitsample.core.filters.helloService


Level 3

Class name can have camel notation but package in which class exist should not have first letter in caps!


Level 7

Hi Prabhat,

Thanks for replying

Helloservice.java is my class name as per standard I started my class name with capital letter ......so package would be



Level 7

I tried also like giving my class name starting with capital but then it didnt work in aem...

below didnt work:

<sly data-sly-use.search="amitsample.core.filters.develope">




Class can not be instantiated

this worked :

<sly data-sly-use.search="amitsample.core.filters.Develope">




Level 10

See this artilce for AEM - it uses WCMUsePojo --

Creating an Adobe Experience Manager 6.4 HTL component that uses the WCMUsePojo API

That will show you how to hook into Java class from HTL.


Level 10


Level 3

Anyone knows why @Reference annotation won't work ?



this only works in OSGi components, WCMUsePojo is not an OSGi-component


Level 3

Thanks 4 the answer


Level 7

wow ..well explained


Level 9

You can get service reference using request object as well.

How to get OSGI Service reference in AEM?