I'm seeing a strange behaviour happening on publisher machines, after they are online for a couple of days.
After working normally for a couple of days (2-3), without any warning or visible issue, we stop getting access to specific resource on publisher console like, host:port/miscadmin or host:port/system/console/configMgr
If we try to hit one of those URLs we got a 504. We are still able to use and login on host:port/crx/packmgr/index.jsp for instance, and we are able to load pages and content from this publisher instance as well.
I couldn't find any issue on CPU or memory, instances are not using any swap, and have free memory, and CPU never goes over 20% on this instance.
error.log don't have any logs when we trigger the 504 URLs.
At last but not least, the issue disappears after a restart for a couple of days/hours. And on that, the instance wouldn't stop running the usual /crx-quickstart/bin/stop command, it needs to be killed.
I'm using Adobe Experience Manager (
Can you provide some ideas on how to troubleshoot this issue or how can we solve it?