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Rotating Banner


Level 3

Ive Attached two examples of what I'm trying to accomplish.  The ATL Hawks and The New Yorker, both of which I am wanting Elements/Functions from.

Is there a way to have a Rotating banner at the top and the built-in icons at the bottom with out having it set up as entitlement? and how would I go about that?

My purpose to have the rotating banner at the top is to showcase new products which link to collections or articles.

ATL Hawks APP, they have a tab that is clickable to nav to other pages and a rotating banner above. How did they accomplish that?



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 6

Short answer... Not yet.  Once HTML Content for Banners and/or Animated Banners are enabled - which, as I understand, are both on the road map, but not here yet, you will be able to do what you want. However, at this point in time, only static imagery which can be linked to external content is all that is currently available for Banners.

View solution in original post

21 Replies


Correct answer by
Level 6

Short answer... Not yet.  Once HTML Content for Banners and/or Animated Banners are enabled - which, as I understand, are both on the road map, but not here yet, you will be able to do what you want. However, at this point in time, only static imagery which can be linked to external content is all that is currently available for Banners.



Jonathon, are you trying to do this with the previous version of DPS or the new DPS 2015 product?



Level 3

Im working with Indesign CC 2014 for layout, and setting up my files in DPS 2015.

Did some digging around, with others facing the same issue of having a banner at the top that links to articles or collections. It seems others have used Edge Animate to get this effect of a top banner that might link to a collection to highlight, for example 5 new products.

Im still having a issue's in edge, once I create the edge /.oam file and place it within the indesign file, and create a navto, which cancels the animation. The command navto placed on the .oam will not work either. Is there a work around for this or another code to use to make this work?



In DPS 2015 there isn't a way to do a rotating banner in a browse page yet, as Tommy mentioned. We don't support HTML rendering in browse pages at the moment.



Level 3

If I where to put a button on top of a image sequence that would link to another collection, does navto:// work in DPS 2015?






Level 3

I saw in another post as of Aug 4, you can’t navto a collection in 2015. Is this still true?

Also can you have a article as your main landing page, instead of a collection (2015)? So I could link to collections off that landing article.



We support collection links on iOS and Windows as of last release, and Android will get support for it when we ship this release. Yes, you can have an article as your main landing page.



Level 3

Ok if that is the case, for my example below. How would I make the "Article: Home" the First thing the person see's as the landing page.

In addition to having the Box A  which is on the home article Link to a Collection?





The UI is a bit misleading in this case. Your article will be the first item to appear when you launch the app. The "home" icon appears next to the first collection in your top-level collection, but your home article will actually be the first item to appear when your app is launched.

We recommend using a collection instead of an article as your first launch experience, but you can make an article "home" as you've done. When you view your app, you'll see the article first.



Change the order of items in your collection so the article is the first item in the collection and it should show first. Documentation on links to collection is at Digital Publishing Solution Help | What's new in this DPS 2015 release, doesn't look like Bob has included it in the hyperlink help topic yet.




It's documented: https://helpx.adobe.com/digital-publishing-solution/help/hyperlinks.html

Linking to collections


Using the "openTo" parameter determines whether the target collection opens to the browse page or content view (first item in the collection), overriding the Collection Open Default setting.


Level 3

Reordering them only bumps the article to the top. DPS still wants to make the the closest collection to the top the first collection as home.

I would like to have the Home article as the landing page and the only thing you see once you launch the app and have it function as the main navigation page.

My thought process behind this is 2 things.

1, fake out a top rotating banner by having a image sequence with a button on top of the sequence which would link to a collection.

2, having boxes below in a scrolling frame which would link to other collections.



What do you mean by “makes the closest collection to the top” as home? Other than flagging it as such in the content dashboard, it shouldn’t impact the viewer.

If you want an article to drive the main navigation of your app then have the article as the only item in your top-level collection. Remove everything else and it will be the only thing there, and the only thing you see when you launch the app.



Level 6

By nature of the software - and it is documented - that the "first collection" that is added to the TLC will be the "home collection", however, that does not mean that you can't have an article appear before the home collection. What you may have to do though, and I haven't looked yet, is to set the TLC to open to Article view instead of open to Browse page - this is just a thought off the top of my head as I'm not currently in the dashboard - so don't chastise me if that option is not part of the TLC options.






There's no need to do that, the TLC always opens to the first item in the list. Put the article first, that's what you'll see.



Level 3

I did do what you suggest by deleting all of the collections out of default. This technique did work, and the article shows up first.

The only problem with with deleting all the collections out of default is now I can't have collections show up in the default hamburger menu.

By default even if I put the article first in the stack, it will still make the collection home if there is a collection present. I'm assuming there's not a work around for that yet.




You can still put the collections in the top-level collection so they show in the menu. Ignore the indicator in the portal saying the collection is "home". It's irrelevant. When you run the app the first thing in your default collection, the article, will show.



Level 4

Yes, this Home Icon is confusing. What is the idea behind it?




It's a bug. It should be flagged on the first item in the top-level collection, not the first collection in the top-level collection. Colin and I both asked for it to be fixed
