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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Provisioning problem today


Level 3

I have built and provisioned many Apps.  This morning I am having trouble getting a signed .ipa to load to devices.  Here is what is different about this story.  Yesterday, I built a Project and App and after a few hours of working on it, we decided to make it with dual device navigation.  Because you can not change that in the Project, I had to start over from scratch.  I used the same Link Reference in both projects.   I am using the exact same certificate and provisioning that I used when I built the first App for this project. Would not load.  Then I recreated the .p12 and provisioning certificates again this morning to be sure everything matched.  I can't get the App to load to 2 devices that worked fine before.  Is there anything I should know about using the same Link Reference in two different projects?  Anyone else having this problem?  Thanks - Grant

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