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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Formatting Titles in the Layout Tool


Level 6

First of all, don't get me wrong... I think the dev team did a FANTASTIC job on the Layout Template tool. However, I work with a team of talented designers that expect me to make the browse pages look like their designs.

One of the things that seems to be lacking, is being able to force a line-break in one of your metadata fields.  For example, If I have a line that happens to have "No Pain No Gain" in it, and I want it to break between the Pain and the following No, is there any way to do that?  If the dashboard could  recognize a carriage return character, it would resolve so much... OR allow us to adjust the length of each data filed, instead of just the overall text area... That would help too!!!   If anyone has figured out a workaround for this, PLEASE let me know.

Manuel??? Andra???

Thank you! 


9 Replies


Employee Advisor

Hi Tommy,

I don't believe you can insert a line break as such but you can use up to 3 fields fin the card properties, so if you use say {{title}} / {{shortTitle}} & {{abstract}} you can probably adjust the bottom margin for the first field to make it look like a line break(?)

Screen Shot 2016-08-26 at 14.25.51.png

Not sure if that helps. The product team may chime in later on.


Level 6

Thanks for the suggestion, Chris. I've tried that approach on other projects, but then the customer has gotten miffed that the full title doesn't show up on the "loading" screen.  Not to mention, that we are already using 3 fields: Title, Abstract and a Department for headings like: SPECIAL REPORT or DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE. 

We should really be able to control the formatting properly instead of devising hacks like that to control the look of the product.

Thanks anyway! 




Level 3

Tommy - I have had to add the type to the card/article image.  This as you know is equally tricky but can give you the exact layout that you wish.


Level 6

We've done that as well... however, this particular browse page utilizes renditions for phone and web viewer and therefore uses different font point sizes and layouts on each.  So, marrying the text to the image is not an option either.

Thanks for the suggestion!



Hi Tommi,

I have a few follow-up questions so to understand the problem better so we can address it properly.

Do you want to a linebreak within a metadata field or between metadata fields?

Let's take an example for an article with Title= "Lazy fox jumping a brown fence" and Author="Dave Dickson" and a metadata field on the card defined as {{Title}}, by {{Author}}.

You'd want to be able to place a line break between the two metadata fields like: {{Title}}, <linebreak> by {{Author}} which would output like:

"Lazy fox jumping a brown fence,

by Dave Dickson"

-or- within the Metadata field itself, like this:

"Lazy fox jumping <linebreak>

a brown fence, by Dave Dickson"

If the latter - this would make the metadata field somehow presentation specific, while today is presentation agnostic. Since device sizes and the places where the content is displayed are multiple, what kind of variations would you envision?

i.e. Do you expect the line break to be applied only on phones but not on tablets, only in card metadata and not in the loading screen, only in the cards and not in the app HUD or app menu, etc.




Level 6

We need to beable to force a linebreak WITHIN a metadata field.  Rather than reference the example you've chosen, I've got 1 (of many) real-world examples where we need this.

In the uploaded sample below, the first article's title wraps to a second line, leaving a widow (a single word on a line) as  does the second article. It would be preferable if we could break the first title after the word "Between" resulting in "Hangar and Headquarters" on the second line, and break the second title after "New-Generation" placing "Aviation" on the second line or extend the title so that "Director" would remain on the first line.

We could adjust this by padding or increasing the right margin on the overall text field, However that would also shorten the width of the Abstract field, causing additional lines of text which would be cut off at the bottom, and would not look pleasing as they would be in-proportionately narrow. 

It would be great if we could EITHER control the width of EACH metadata field (instead of the entire text area) OR have the ability to force a line-break within a data field.

Hope this helps to clarify the need.






Thanks for the detailed explanation Tommy. I'll talk to the team, we'll see what we can do.




Level 3

Just wanted to say, that Tommy is not alone. We also have two projects that would benefit from this.

