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Proposal for Integration Between AEM DAM and AEC Assets


Level 4


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: Proposal to Establish Integration Between AEM DAM and AEC Assets
Use-case: Establishing a seamless connection between Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Digital Asset Management (DAM) assets and Adobe Experience Cloud (AEC) assets to enhance user workflow and efficiency.
Current/Experienced Behavior: Currently, there is no direct integration between AEM DAM assets and AEC assets, requiring users to manually transfer assets between the two platforms, leading to inefficiencies and potential errors in asset management.
Improved/Expected Behavior: Proposing an integration solution that enables users to seamlessly sync and access assets between AEM DAM and AEC, facilitating unified asset management, enhanced collaboration, and improved content personalization capabilities.
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable): AEMaaCS Dam /cloud Aseet and AEC Cloud
Customer-name/Organization name:  
Screenshot (if applicable):  
Code package (if applicable):