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Non-publishers cannot move/rename, delete pages


Level 2


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary:

When trying to move or rename a not-published page, authors without publish permissions can successfully move/rename the page, but it enters a "Request to complete Move operation" workflow. Authors who depend on using workflows on their pages cannot use a workflow on the page as they normally would until they contact an administrator to intervene. Authors who do not depend on workflows are confused by the workflow.


When trying to delete a not-published page, authors without publish permissions can only kind-of delete a page. The page appears to be deleted in the list of pages and some site navigation, but is not actually deleted. It can still be viewed by going directly to the URL. Its name can never be reused without contacting an administrator for intervention.


Steps to reproduce:


1. Create a new user that has read+write, but not publish access to wknd demo or other site

2. Impersonate this user

3. Create a new page, do not activate

4. Move or rename the page

5. Note the page is moved/renamed, but the page is stuck in a "Request to complete move operation" workflow

6. Create another new page, do not activate

7. Delete the new page, it appears to be deleted

8. Try to create a new page with the same name, observe the name cannot be used

9. Go to the "deleted" page, it is visible when it should be deleted

10. Go to the deleted page in CRXDE as administrator, it is present, but with "deleted" property


I have demonstrated those steps in a video here: https://buffalo.box.com/s/94nuwdwmgyctw6fo2sfu2hb4npfze1ti

Current/Experienced Behavior:  
Improved/Expected Behavior:  
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable): 6.5 SP10
Customer-name/Organization name: University at Buffalo
Screenshot (if applicable):  
Code package (if applicable):  


Employee Advisor


Hi @Kevin_Eye 

This behavior has already been reported to our engineering team under the internal reference CQ-4293675 and got unfortunately rejected.
I would recommend you open a new support ticket mentioning the above reference and providing the business impact that this issue has on your side so it could be prioritized by the Engineering team this time



Status changed to: Declined


Employee Advisor


Could you please provide the support ticket number in which you've been told that.?
I will review it before you open a new one to ensure that the info are the same

Status changed to: Needs Info


Employee Advisor


Thanks Kevin
I reviewed the support ticket and I internally contacted the assigned support engineer to discuss the case


In the meantime I will decline this request as for the moment the behavior needs to be checked by the engineering team
In case the outcome from their side is that it is indeed working as designed, this will need to be documented
But from my point of view, there is a test missing about the publication status of the page at the time of the move

Status changed to: Declined