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Multifield components like list: validation message and up/down arrows for item movement have overlapping field


Level 1


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary:

On multifield component dialog: add sufficient space between the validation alert and the up/down arrows so each can be individually selected.

This is a bug fix. 

When a user makes an error in the list component, eg by not filling a mandatory field, they cannot view the validation message that would tell them what to fix, because when they click it, they click into the field to drag items up and down. It is impossible to select the validation alert. 

Current/Experienced Behavior: As above - user cannot select or read validation alert to know what to fix. 
Improved/Expected Behavior: Sufficient space between the validation alert and the up/down errors so their selection field does not overlap. Then a user can click and read the validation message and / or click and move items up and down. 
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable): AEM 6.5 
Customer-name/Organization name: University of Sydney
Screenshot (if applicable):

Added as attachment

Screenshot 2024-10-31 at 8.49.31 AM.png

Code package (if applicable):  


Level 9




Are you sure this is not some custom validation that your code has and maybe because of that is doing the overlapping ? I am not saying that is not possible to happen ootb, but I have not seen this before. I can try out on a simple boilerplate project and come back with a result. But until then maybe it's also worth if you double check your codebase.





Thanks for proposing this idea.
This has been reported to the engineering under the internal reference SITES-27073. The product team will triage this request to verify feasibility based on the prioritization model. This post will be updated according to Jira's status.
Meanwhile please do confirm on suggestions shared by @Tethich 
Status changed to: Investigating