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CTT early fail on insufficient disk size





Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: This request is about the Content Transfer Tool, which can be improved for insufficient disk cases.

AMS instance with the S3 Data Store has been prepared for the very first initial extraction. Extraction started with about 400GB asset content. After about 1 hour, it failed. The logs forwarded to the Adobe Support.


They noticed the following statement on top of the output.log, see attached zip file :

Check Size results:
Migration Set size: 381.247 GB
Node store size: 2.202 GB
Data store size: 379.045 GB
Node count: 20,764,479
Free disk space (crx-quickstart dir): 24.398 GB

You do not have enough disk space in the crx-quickstart subdirectory of the source AEM instance to perform this extraction. You need to increase disk space by 51.486 GB or reduce the migration set size.
Current/Experienced Behavior: CTT tried to run all extraction steps, until a failure occurred for the obvious root cause.
Improved/Expected Behavior: The error gets logged with the prefix ERROR and the extraction halts immediately.
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable): AMS Author - 6.5.19. CTT Version : 3.0.10
Customer-name/Organization name: Volkswagen Group
Screenshot (if applicable):  
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