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AEM - Desktop App Enhancement




Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: Enhance AEM Desktop to detect new files from local cache and bulk upload new files within a downloaded folder
Use-case: When creative users work on product creation. It is usually at a folder level, where they have multiple files within a folder. This complete folder would be treated as a single entity.
The users work on multiple files within the folder, also creating new files. Users generally use save as feature on their creative Apps (  Applications for creating assets) to save/export to a particular format. The desktop app currently tracks only the existing files which are synced from AEM cloud to desktop. The newly added files even though are available on same hierarchy on their local cache is not displayed within the desktop App and the users have to manually drag and drop from local cache space to desktop app for
uploading. The new file in the local cache is not even shown within the desktop app.
A feature which can show some indication of newly added files in an already downloaded folder, similar to how it shows files which are edited locally will be greatly beneficial for the product designers to seamlessly sync new files in the local cache to AEM
Additionally an option of uploading all changes from the immediate folder at one go, this would eliminate the need for user to drag multiple files manually and checking-in locally edited files. This would highly improve the user experience.
Current/Experienced Behavior:

Currently the users have to manually select the new files/ manually drag and drop into specific folders to upload to AEM.

Currently users do not have a capability to select folders and upload from local to AEM

Improved/Expected Behavior:

Detect any new files in the local cache, display the new files to the users who then chooses within desktop app ( multiple at once) to upload with the AEM Desktop upload button.

Capability to select a folder and initiate upload, if the folder contains new files the get uploaded. Any files which were edited locally are notified to users that they will be checked in with the folder level upload.

Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable): AEM Desktop App 2.3.1
Customer-name/Organization name: H&M
Screenshot (if applicable):  
Code package (if applicable):  





Thanks for proposing this idea.
This has been reported to the engineering under the internal reference SITES-28076. The product team will triage this request to verify feasibility based on the prioritization model. This post will be updated according to Jira's status.
Status changed to: Investigating




Hi @PavanRa, we do not have capacity to address this feature enhancement in the first half of 2025. The enhancement will be tracked under the internal reference ASSETS-47003 and will be triaged in our roadmap planning.