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I am trying to di digital sigature using AEM DocAssuranceService.I am having jdk 8 and jre version is also 8 . I get the following error javax.net


.ssl.SSLHandShakeException:sun.security.validator.ValidatorException:PKIX path building failed:sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException:unable to find valid certification path to requested target. I use the AEM key store . Loaded the keys to AEM store via console. The console gives the option of loading .der key and .pem certchain . It loaded fine. I am using microsoft edge browser . The Keys I uploaded to AEm Keystore are .der format and .pem cert chain

3 Replies


Employee Advisor


For any doc assurance service operation, AEM accesses the certificates and credentials stored in the trust store, so make sure the path to the certificates does not contain spaces. 

If the issue still persists, you can raise a support ticket to troubleshoot the issue over a screenshare.



@RamaniBa Did you find the suggestion helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!

Kautuk Sahni


Community Advisor

@RamaniBa quick check, what is the targetted path. Please add the certs for the attempted path to be connected to your cacerts for the jdk 8 you have installed. You will have to restart the machine