After we upgraded to SP19, we started to notice that sometimes web services for dropdown menus do not come back to our adaptive forms. You need to refresh sometimes multiple times to get the dropdown menu to populate from initialize correctly. We wrote in C# code for our web services using both Asynchronous and Synchronous methods. Both behave the same way where it does not come back all the time to the adaptive form.
We were on SP15 prior to upgrading to SP19. In SP15 we did not have this behavior with the web service calls in prefilling our dropdowns in adaptive forms.
Is there any settings on the AEM configuration that we can change or look at in order to resolve the issue?
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@cvelasquez are you using FDM or servlets to invoke endpoint?
We are using AEM Forms workbench to call our web services via using the web service step. No FDM or servlets involved.
@cvelasquez you can check the workbench logs, it will help. Client-side error might not be that helpful in this case
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no solution to it yet. I have looked at all the logs and I shared what i found.
@PowerUserOne To confirm - you are not seeing any server side error on the JEE server logs or error.log? The error you shared are from the client browser. As Mayank suggested - client-side errors may not have the required information.
We recently downgraded to SP17 to match the system requirements we have to get Adobe support.
We still occasionally see the dropdown list not populate when we call our Form Data Model. We would need to refresh the page and try again in which the problem doesn't happen for a while.
We are using the Form Data Model to call our workbench process to get prefill data for the dropdown list from our web service call in the workbench process.
The calls are currently set to Synchronous as of now where it only happens once in a while. Whereas using asynchronous, this issue is more common.
We know our web service call in the workbench process works as we see no issues in the recordings.
Could this be something off when the Form Data Model gets called? We are using the rule editor to call our Form Data Models.
Here is our JavaScript code we use to build these dropdown lists after the FDM gets called and returns the result:
var strData = JSON.parse(stringData.responseStr);
for (var i = 0; i < strData.length; i++) {
var displayItem = strData[i].InstLegalName;
var itemValue = strData[i].InstOCCCharterNbr + "|" + strData[i].InstLegalName + "|" + strData[i].InstLocationCityName + "|" + strData[i].InstLocationStateAbrv;
arrDropDownItems.push(itemValue + "=" + displayItem);
SignificantServiceProvidersDD.items = arrDropDownItems.reverse(); // For author because it displays it z-a for some reason where publish displays it correctly a-z
Also, for some reason in Author the dropdown list displays the values from z to a. In publish, it goes from a-z.
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