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Setting Up Publish Instance on AEM 6.1 JEE Version


Level 2


I was recently attempting to setup a Publish instance on a demo AEM 6.1 JEE server I am running. My goal was to set up more of a real world environment with various instances for the purpose of learning how the instances work together.

Before posting this I did a search on this forum and found this thread http://help-forums.adobe.com/content/adobeforums/en/experience-manager-forum/aem-forms.topic.html/fo... which contained this link https://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6/aem-forms-architecture-deployment.html detailing various author/publish/processing topologies.

When spinning up a JEE version of AEM you get an Author instance by default. This documentation goes onto say that the Processing instance (when required) would typically be the JEE version and if I understand correctly the Author and Publish instances could technically be JEE or standalone versions, although the general recommendation seems to be to try and stick with standalone versions when possible. I realize the topologies using HTML Workspace and the AEMS Forms Workflow add-on (ie Process Management) are a little more complex and at least the Author instance will require JEE.

Before coming across this forum post I found this bit of documentation about creating a Publish instance on a JEE server http://help.adobe.com/en_US/AEMForms/6.1/InstallTurnkey/WS0b373c8e7f652f14-5cc6d7413c5cb4e174-8000ae... which, among other things, says "You must run separate author and publish instances. You can configure the two instances on the same or on different machines."

This documentation seems to be saying that the JEE server (jboss in this case) can run multiple instances of different types. Is this correct?

While the instructions seem fairly straight forward, step 1 mentions creating an "appserver profile" with no explanation of what this is or how to create it. There seems to be a presumption the reader should know what this is. Forgive me if this is common knowledge but I'm not clear on what this is or what the context of this term is. It sounds to me like it's a jboss term.

I've googled this term but did not come up with anything meaningful, either from an AEM or Jboss perspective.

To summarize the information from both of these links, there seems to be more than one way to configure Publish instances (1 using standalone versions and another using JEE servers).

Can anyone talk about the ins and outs of these different options and which one might be recommended over another?

If the "appserver profile" method is still a valid and viable approach in AEM 6.1, can anyone expand on how to create an "appserver profile" and/or how to set up a author/publisher instances with the AEM JEE version?

Thanks in advance.


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by

Hi Dale,

Creating an appserver profile means, running a new instance of JBoss application server. You can use the Adobe pre-configured JBoss application server provided with JEE installer ([AEM Forms JEE instllaer]Adobe\Adobe Experience Manager\JBoss) on a different location on the same machine and pass the following startup argument:


You can change the value of offset. The argument helps run multiple instances of JBoss on the same machine.

If you run instance of JBoss application server on a new machine, the above argument is not required.

- Khushwant Singh

View solution in original post

28 Replies


Level 2

You need to do a manual installation (I assume you did a Turnkey Installation for the first instance).

Preparation: AEM forms * Preparing to Install Adobe Experience Manager forms on JEE (Single Server)

Installation Adobe Experience Manager forms * Installing and Deploying Adobe Experience Manager forms on JEE for ...

There are also PDF downloads available on the links above in the upper right hand corner.


Level 4


Yes I did the turnkey for the first instance, so I just look, thru your links, for the manual install.

I will check that tomorrow morning and keep you posted on how things went.

Thank you so very much



Level 7


Agree with the above, fresh install for publish instance.

If you are looking to create qa and production instances for the product you are building this will be needed anyway as turnkey is just for evaluation purposes:

From the docs:

"For Turnkey deployment, which is only for evaluation

purposes, see Installing and Deploying AEM forms on JEE usingJBossTurnkey."




Level 4

Thank you all for your inputs, it seams i'm making a bit of progress.

So what I changed and that was thanks to Maruan, I did a copy of the JBoss zip folder that comes with the entire windows .exe file to install.

This fresh copy seams to be working good, and I continued using the info in the turnkey PDF, mentioned above.

so I copied the following things 1. the publish.ear and 2. the crx repository into my new instance in their right location and typed-in:


This works well until I get to the end and I get the following error messages (it hangs there after that):


Is there something I could type somewhere to get this to work?

Again, thank you so much for all the help



Level 2

Mhmm - looks like you are mixing some things up.

When you use AEM Forms JEE you don't need and shouldn't use cry-qucikstart, as this is the OSGI version of CRX. AEM Forms JEE already includes that. Also don't copy the repository, it will be created upon initial startup of the server.

So you need to deploy

- adobe-livecycle-jboss.ear

- adobe-livecycle-native-jboss-<platform>.ear

- publish.ear

Also make sure that the configurations are not conflicting with your initial copy of AEM Forms e.g. use a different database table ...




Level 4

Perfect, thank you so much again Maruan

I will be doing this now and see how this all goes.



Level 4


so I deployed the above files, then started the server (in its new location) using

standalone.bat -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=110

and then I get this info :


What is this, and can it be fixed?

Thanks again so much,



Level 4

Thanks for all the help, I played a bit more with this, and was able to somewhat get to a CMD prompt screen that didn't offer to many errors, and was able to complete the Publish instance instruction on page 66/178 of the turnkey.PDF i've been using.

When I finished all of this, I got a webpage that kinda loaded automatically in IE like so:


This is familiar as I remember seeing that web site inside AEM forms GUI. so happy about that (and 8190 is that offset port I created.)

now, lets say this is good news, how can I validate that?

So I loaded up a form on my author instance and clicked publish.It went well.

Now, is there a quick way to check and see if this form is available, a bit like that URL that popped-out of nowhere

Again, thank you so much for the help..... its been great