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Not able to delete AEM forms


Level 2


We are facing an issue of node traversal everytime we try to delete a form. Currently on AEM, any pointers on why this is happening?


Forms Delete Error MessaGE.PNG


Appreciate your help, thx!


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6 Replies


Employee Advisor

How many forms have you created in CRX? something doesn't seem to be right. Please confirm forms-add on package details as well.


Level 2
Thanks Mayank. We recently upgraded from 6.3 to and it was working before. We have ~90 forms in-use. I am not able to find the right information for the forms add-on package for this version. Is there any specific package name that i should be looking for?


Employee Advisor
Have you run the migration utility?


Employee Advisor


Level 2
We haven't run the migration utility, i read that it was optional. Even the forms that we created newly after the upgrade, we are not able to delete. A new development is that we are able to delete in the lowers but not in prod, i dont know if i didn't notice this earlier


Employee Advisor
Then you might have some issue in the crx. what do you see in logs?