we are having xdps and processes in Livecycle ES4 and we are moving to AEM Forms on JEE. how can I move my assets to AEM.
what are the steps and cautions that need to be followed.
Please help.
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You have two options
1) Upgrade the current system to AEM Forms following the upgrade documentation located here. https://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6-2/topics.html#dynamicpod_reference_1372249821
2) Install a clean AEM Forms instance and then import the LCA's exported from the existing system.
Cautions, if you're on an old version of LiveCycle you may need to update the application if you're using deprecated services or APIs. If you're moving to away from PDF forms to HTML then there may be some updates required based upon the functions being used in the forms.
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TundraSteve wrote...
You have two options
1) Upgrade the current system to AEM Forms following the upgrade documentation located here. https://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6-2/topics.html#dynamicpod_reference_1372249821
2) Install a clean AEM Forms instance and then import the LCA's exported from the existing system.
Cautions, if you're on an old version of LiveCycle you may need to update the application if you're using deprecated services or APIs. If you're moving to away from PDF forms to HTML then there may be some updates required based upon the functions being used in the forms.
Thanks for the quick reply. Since we are going for a fresh AEM installation second option looks reasonable. so if we have 100's of applications then we have to create LCA for each application and import into AEM workbench in that case? do you have any URLs helping about the same? Also can we automate this process by any means? Thanks for the help again..
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You can add multiple applications to a single LCA and deploy the single LCA to the fresh install. You create an LCA through Workbench and deploy it to the new server with AdminUI.
Create an archive file 1) In the Applications view, right-click the application version and select Create AEM Forms Archive. 2) Select Create A New Archive File and click Next. 3) Select applications and/or assets to be included in the archive file. The following rules apply when selecting applications and assets: • To make a selection, select the check box beside a component. To deselect a component, select the check box again. • A shaded box indicates that child components are selected implicitly.
There are deployment APIs but it will likely take you longer to build an app to do this than to just select the apps. If you deploy apps on a regular basis it might might sense to expend the effort.
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