Hi Kishore
Please have a look at this helpx article:-
// This article covers Dynamically updating AEM TouchUI Dialog Select Fields
So basically we are updating the values based on event listeners.
you can use the set options method of the selection xtype. Modify your listener to something like this
var dialog = pathfield.findParentByType('dialog');
var selectBox = dialog.findByType('selection')[0]; //assuming this is the only selection you have
$.getJSON('/bin/featuresservlet?path=' + this.value, function(jsonData){
}); }"
The data returned by your servlet must be of the following format :
"value": "valueOfOption1",
"text": "textOfOption1"
"value": "valueOfOption2",
"text": "textOfOption2"
Source:- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25708043/populating-select-box-options-on-changing-pathfield-in-d...
More Reference article :- http://jenikya.com/blog/2013/04/dynamic-dialog-data-in-cq5.html
Kautuk Sahni