Hello Guys,
I've got an issue in which I'm unable to pass a variable to a data-sly-use.
This is a small snippet of the code I have.
<div data-sly-use.info="questions-and-answers.js" data-sly-use.questions="${'LatestQuestions' @ maxLinks=info.maxLinks}" class="nc-questions-and-answers">
<h2 class="nc-questions-and-answers__heading">
Basically the first data-sly-use (questions-and-answers.js) returns an object with several properties in which one of those (maxLinks) needs to be send to the second data-sly-use. The problem is that when I tried to get the variable in the java handler I'm always getting null.
String maxLinks = get("maxLinks", String.class);
The variables maxLinks is always null.
If instead of sending `info.maxLinks` I use a hardcoded value like a string or number, I do get the correct value in the Java handler but because the maxLinks property is dynamic then I need to send it like that.
Does anyone know how to proceed here?
Thank you.
Solved! Go to Solution.
I checked Integer.class works fine for me. Not sure why its not working for you.
Once delete /var/classes and reload the page.
You can also try this:
var maxLinks = currentNode.hasProperty("maxLinks") ? currentNode.getProperty("maxLinks").getString() : "5";
Update js code to send String to backend java
In backend you can convert to Integer
I am not sure if this will work. Can you try this way once.
<sly data-sly-use.info="questions-and-answers.js">
checking inifo max links: ${info.maxLinks}
<sly data-sly-use.questions="${'LatestQuestions' @ maxLinks=info.maxLinks}" class="nc-questions-and-answers">
<h2 class="nc-questions-and-answers__heading">
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If you print out the value, what do you get?
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Can you post all of your HTL Code so community can look at it.
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I tried the solution susheel suggested but still I'm getting null.
This is the complete snippet:
<div data-sly-use.info="nc-questions-and-answers.js"
data-sly-use.questions="${'LatestQuestions' @ maxLinks=info.maxLinks}" class="nc-questions-and-answers">
<h2 class="nc-questions-and-answers__heading">
<ul class="nc-questions-and-answers__list" data-sly-list.question="${questions.latestQuestions}">
<li class="nc-questions-and-answers__list-item">
<a href="${question.link}">
'use strict';
use([], function() {
var title = properties.get("title", "");
var showMore = currentNode.hasProperty("showmore") ? String(currentNode.getProperty("showmore")) : "";
var maxLinks = currentNode.hasProperty("maxLinks") ? Number(currentNode.getProperty("maxLinks").getString()) : 5;
return {
title: title,
showMore: showMore,
maxLinks: maxLinks
public class LatestQuestions extends WCMUse {
private List<Question> latestQuestions = new ArrayList<Question>();
public void activate() {
try {
// Reading properties from the Dialog
ValueMap dialogProperties = getProperties();
String categoryPath = dialogProperties.get("category", String.class);
String[] tags = dialogProperties.get("tags", new String[0]);
// Reading Parameter from slightly
String maxLinks = get("maxLinks", String.class);
//// maxLinks is always null!!!!
} catch (Exception e) { }
* Getter of the sightly properties
public List<Question> getLatestQuestions() { return this.latestQuestions; }
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Did you try to print the value ?
if yes then do you get some value or not?
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Yes the property info.maxLinks is fine, I could print it like you mentioned and I would be able to see it. maxLinks contains a number that comes from the dialog of the component.
The problems appears when trying to send it as a parameter to the java handler. I want to know if it is possible to send variables as parameters to java handlers.
Actually in my handler I can for example do the following:
getProperties.get("maxLinks", String.class);
If I do so the maxLinks property will be there not null BUT I want to retrieve it as a data-sly-use parameter because this java handler is a reusable component that several aem components use to get the latest questions and not all the components have this maxLinks property as part of the dialog properties.
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You are passing a number and reading as string in wcmuse code
int maxLinks = get("maxLinks", Integer.class);
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It's the same. Regardless of the type I want to adapt the property, it is still null.
Both get("maxLinks", Integer.class); and get("maxLinks", String.class); returns null.
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I checked Integer.class works fine for me. Not sure why its not working for you.
Once delete /var/classes and reload the page.
You can also try this:
var maxLinks = currentNode.hasProperty("maxLinks") ? currentNode.getProperty("maxLinks").getString() : "5";
Update js code to send String to backend java
In backend you can convert to Integer
I changed the way I retrieve the value in the js rihno file based on what you proposed and now it works good!
Thank you very much susheel for keep up with me in this, I appreciate your help.