1) Go to guide container component : fd/af/components/guideContainer
3) dropdown is using the datasource : fd/af/components/commons/datasources/propertyprovider
3) GO TO fd/af/components/commons/datasources/propertyprovider -> in jsp file
Check if there is any customization done in your code as there are some other options displayed.
You can follow like , how other 2 oprions has the values same you can customize for the None if its not working.
} else if (PREFILL_SERVICE_PROVIDER.equals(type)) {
jsonArrResponse = guidePropertyProviderUtils.queryPrefillServiceProviders();
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArrResponse.length(); i++) {
JSONObject objectArr = jsonArrResponse.getJSONObject(i);
if(StringUtils.isEmpty(objectArr.get("text").toString()) && StringUtils.isEmpty(objectArr.get("value").toString())){
objectArr.put("text", i18n.get("None"));