Hello All,
We are working on dynamic pdf and the templates(XDP) are designed/built with Forms Designer. When XDP is uploaded to AEM and previewed, the fonts look different in Linux AEM OSGI Server, however, in windows local AEM OSGI Server, it looks good. I verified that the fonts are same under crx-quickstart/fonts folder in both linux & windows. I did not do any configuration specific to windows.
Please help in resolving this issue.
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@kautuk_sahni We installed the msttcorefonts in Linux, which resolved dynamic pdf font issue. Thanks for your input. The issue is resolved now and we can close the thread.
You may have to cross-check the font permissions on the Linux setup, as the font is available under the same path on both operating systems but still doesn't work in the case of Linux. Usually, if the font is not available (or not accessible), then XMLFM substitution logic kicks in and falls back to a default/available option.
You can also move the required font to a custom font directory with sufficient permissions and then update the folder path in the Gibson Font Manager config under /configMgr.
You can DM the details/PDFs for further investigation, or we can set up a call.
@Pulkit_Jain_ I verified, it is not permissions issue, but microsoft fonts itself not installed in Linux O/S (/usr/share/fonts). It is not bundled as part of the Linux O/S distribution. so, we have to manually install the fonts following steps mentioned in https://help.accusoft.com/PCC/v8.3/HTML/How%20to%20Install%20Microsoft%20Fonts%20on%20Linux.html
Is there any recommendation/documentation from Adobe as this issue will be faced by all AEM Forms installation in Linux Environment?
For any operating system-specific steps required while installing AEM Forms, refer to the installation guide (JEE and OSGi).
Additionally, for Linux OS, you need to install 32-bit versions of a set of shared libraries listed here-
These libraries are a prerequisite for running some AEM forms services.
@NirmalAEM Did you find the suggestion helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!
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@kautuk_sahni We installed the msttcorefonts in Linux, which resolved dynamic pdf font issue. Thanks for your input. The issue is resolved now and we can close the thread.