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Datasource for Oracle Database


Level 4



I am trying to create a Form Data Model using a data source that is connect to my Oracle Database. I'm not sure if a configured a field wrong but I am getting the error "error fetching datasource" so I am assuming it is something dealing with the JDBC connection URI. Does anyone know what I am supposed to put for the JDBC connection URI? Below is a screenshot of the "error fetching datasource" message.


Screenshot (59).png


Thank You

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor
5 Replies


Employee Advisor


To configure data sources, you can review the steps shared here [0]. This is specific to the data source config. You can check the error msg in the logs to narrow down the issue.

You can also use the Oracle bundle jar provided here- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dDQSntwrY2dJjH1STlIxOhwtyzxz_69e/view


[0] - https://helpx.adobe.com/customer-care-office-hours/aem/AEM-Forms-Data-Integration-using-FDM.html 


Level 4



How exactly can I check the error msg in the logs?


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor


Level 5

You are correct, the error indicates that AEM is unable to connect to the data source, that means we have to check the data source configuration.


Since you're using JDBC, you need to configure the Apache Sling Connection Pooled DataSource OSGi configuration: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/forms/storing-and-retrieving-form-d...

Here's a video demonstrating the above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGVJLbgo8lU


Once the datasource has been configured correctly and AEM is able to connect to it, you should not see that error.


Note: In the above video you will notice that the person installed the JDBC jar by directly uploading it to OSGi. Thats not the best practice, however its quick to test it out this way. I suggest to do the steps on your local first.


Community Advisor

Please try to unbind and then save the datasource configuration in the Apache Sling Connection Pooled DataSource OSGi.