Hi everyone,
Please confirm if we have followed the steps correctly for custom dita-ot integration.
1)We have extracted AEM DITA-OT package in our local from this path - /libs/fmdita/dita_resources/DITA-OT.zip
2)In the AEM DITA-OT -> bin, we used the below command to add the custom plugins.
dita -install <DITA-OT>.zip
we referred this blog ->https://www.tothenew.com/blog/integrating-and-using-the-custom-dita-ot-plugin/
3)After adding custom plugins, we uploaded integrated DITA-OT zip file in apps/fmdita/dita_resources folder
Kindly confirm if we have done the custom dita-ot integration in the right manner and suggest if we have missed anything.
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Hi @Abisha,
You are missing one step post uploading DITA-OT.zip to /apps.
You have to add DITA profile through Tools - Guides - DITA Profiles (use the DITA-OT path where the custom DITA-OT is uploaded, refer screenshot below)
Reference URL - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-guides-learn/tutorials/configuring/setup-...
Hope this helps!
Rohan Garg
Hi @Rohan_Garg ,
Thank you for your immediate reply. From the above thread, I wanted to confirm the steps of custom dita-ot integration of the new plugins. Hope I have done that part in the right way. I have added the custom profile configurations in the screenshot below.
In order to include the custom plugins, I have added the custom plugins catalog.xml in the schema configuration and added the apps folder dita-ot zip path. Can you confirm if I have done this in right way.
Hi @Rohan_Garg ,
Thank you for confirming. In order to generate output using custom plugin pdf, I have added transformation name(pdfname-rg.pdf) from the custom plugin name(com.pdfname-rg.pdf) in the screenshot below
However, if I run the pdf, the output is not generated. It is not referring to the new plugin that I have configured.
Do I need to update the custom profile with any other changes.
The custom profile seems to have the adequate changed.
The error reported is in the stylesheet compilation.
Are you using CSS-based DITA to PDF Customization or any custom XSL stylesheet?
We are using custom XSL stylesheets.
Can you post that here? or Check the same for any syntax error that can cause compilation issue?