Hi everyone,
Using assembler service we are trying to merge two pdf’s. But we are facing the following issue:
com.adobe.internal.pdfm.assembly.AssemblyException: PDFM_S02013: The "insertDocument" operation failed on "5-R-1229.pdf".
com.adobe.internal.pdfm.assembly.AssemblyException: PDFM_S02013: The "insertDocument" operation failed on "9-A-1577.pdf".
Environment details - AEM 6.5 (On-Premise) Forms-add-on package (adobe-aemfd-win-pkg-6.0.640.zip), OSGI forms & output service.
The ddx we are using:
<DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/">
<PDF result="output.pdf">
<PDF source="5-R-1229.pdf"/>
<PDF source="9-A-1577.pdf"/>
Code snippet:
Can anyone please suggest why the pdf generation is failing and throwing the error as com.adobe.internal.pdfm.assembly.AssemblyException: PDFM_S02013: The "insertDocument" operation failed on "5-R-1229.pdf".
Solved! Go to Solution.
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I was referring to server log stack trace. We may get some additional info on the issue- if this is an issue with the PDF file or DDX etc.
At times, PDF generated using the 3rd party softwares OR XFA form PDF fail with similar errors. I wanted to test the same at my end thus requested these input files.
Quick test- Please pass these PDFs via Distiller service and then try to assemble the two.
Please share the complete stack trace of the error msg[0]
Is this issue specific to these PDFs? If so, please share these two PDFs over a shared drive and DM the link to download for internal testing.
[0] - com.adobe.internal.pdfm.assembly.AssemblyException: PDFM_S02013: The "insertDocument" operation failed on
Sharing the stack trace for the error.
Can you please share what one need to check in PDF which is failing on assembling ,like should it be PDF/A compliance or what?
I was referring to server log stack trace. We may get some additional info on the issue- if this is an issue with the PDF file or DDX etc.
At times, PDF generated using the 3rd party softwares OR XFA form PDF fail with similar errors. I wanted to test the same at my end thus requested these input files.
Quick test- Please pass these PDFs via Distiller service and then try to assemble the two.
Are your pdf files valid according to the PDF specs? You can check by using the pdf utility service.
We do face such issue sometimes with invalid pdf files. What we do is, we create the pdf again, like with PdfCreator tool and then use it. It works in assembler service then.
Try this if it helps you.
I will try to check the pdf files as you suggested.
Is there any pdf specification that need to be followed for using assembler service.
@chayanika_27 lets try to just start with one file and see if the file has any policy or protection. Reason can be any thing at doc level preventing the merge operation. DDX looks fine though.