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[AF] [AEM-AF-901-004]: Encountered an internal error while submitting the form. - Works on Author


Level 3

We are deploying AEM Forms and are having an issue submitting them. All forms work perfectly on our Author instance (domain URL and IP address). However, when we publish them, they do not work on publisher or our dispatcher (using domain URLs). They also do not work on the publisher IP (no dispatcher).

We have tried editing the Apache Sling Referrer Filter per other posts but that did not work. We have tried all of the solutions that we can find. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as we cannot move to production until this issue is solved.

Thank you.


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 3

After intensive work with Girish, it is working! Here are the steps we took.

  1. Create swagger file
  2. Create Cloud Service Datasource
  3. Create Form Data Model
  4. Create Form
  5. Create Webpage and embed Form
  6. Create Package including
    1. /conf/<configuration-folder-name>/settings/cloudconfigs/fdm/<datasource-name>
    2. /content/dam/formsanddocuments/<form-name>
    3. /content/dam/formsanddocuments-fdm/<form-model-name>
    4. /content/forms/af/<form-name>
    5. Webpage
  7. Build, download and install package on publisher
  8. Open Cloud Service Datasource and re-enter password (verify base path – it may truncate)

Step 8 is the really important one. Thank you, Girish!!

View solution in original post

18 Replies


Employee Advisor


This is a server-side exception during submission, that's why you're seeing a generic error message “Encountered an internal error while submitting the form” on the client-side.

You may have to check detailed error logs to identify the root cause.




Level 3

I just followed the instructions from the link you posted. I tried entering our author IP, IP with port and domain URL. None of them have worked. The username and password is the admin so it should have all security necessary. Should I be entering another URL?



Can you please share the screenshots of the "AEM DS service settings" and "Apache Sling authentication service" configurations?


Level 3

Here is additional information. I'll upload the screenshots in a minute.


Error Log -

*ERROR* [<IP> [1647348535667] POST /content/forms/af/<form name>/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.submit.jsp HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.aem.dermis.exception.DermisException Invalid configuration path specified -<form data model name>

*ERROR* [<IP> [1647348535667] POST /content/forms/af/<form name>/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.submit.jsp HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.aemds.guide.addon.service.impl.fdm.DefaultFDMSubmitServiceImpl Error while using the FDM Submit service

com.adobe.aem.dermis.exception.DermisException: AEM-AUT-001-008: Invalid configuration path specified - <form data model name>


Note – I cannot find the IP above assigned to any of our instances.


When submitting the form, I see the following in the network console.

404 error

https://<domain name> /content/forms/af/<form name>/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp



Seems like you are using FDM to submit the form? Can you please try publishing the FDM as well from author, and check the issue again?


Level 3

I already tried that. I just spoke with our network group and the IP in the logs is our PAT address. I'm not sure that's where the form should be looking. Thoughts?



The form should be submitted to the Author only, or if you are using FDM, then it should be submitted via FDM on the publisher. You should check where is this unknown IP configured.


Level 3

I'm not sure I understand. The FDM is on the publisher. I do not know where that IP is configured. Our network team said that all of our outgoing traffic goes through that IP.



Is that unknown IP of the Dispatcher or Author or which other server? please confirm.


Level 3

That IP address is what our network team says is our PAT address. All outgoing traffic from our organization goes out on that address. It is not an IP of any of our instances.


Correct answer by
Level 3

After intensive work with Girish, it is working! Here are the steps we took.

  1. Create swagger file
  2. Create Cloud Service Datasource
  3. Create Form Data Model
  4. Create Form
  5. Create Webpage and embed Form
  6. Create Package including
    1. /conf/<configuration-folder-name>/settings/cloudconfigs/fdm/<datasource-name>
    2. /content/dam/formsanddocuments/<form-name>
    3. /content/dam/formsanddocuments-fdm/<form-model-name>
    4. /content/forms/af/<form-name>
    5. Webpage
  7. Build, download and install package on publisher
  8. Open Cloud Service Datasource and re-enter password (verify base path – it may truncate)

Step 8 is the really important one. Thank you, Girish!!


Level 3




The IP which you have specified here, is of Author, right?

As you said, all of your outgoing traffic goes through PAT, seems like the publisher is not able to communicate back to the author due to this network restriction. Can you please test your FDM submit service on the publisher and check if it working fine?


Level 3

Yes. That is the author IP in the configuration.  Did a thorough testing and here are the results. Everything works on Author. These results are for publisher.


Using OAuth authentication

Friendly URL (<>.tarrantcounty.com) and IP - Form submit fails (500 guideContainer.af.submit.jsp)

Test of FDM post fails with failed to fetch access token (from IP - IP is not a redirect URI)


Using Basic authentication

Friendly URL (<>.tarrantcounty.com) and IP - Form submit fails (500 guideContainer.af.submit.jsp)

Test of FDM post fails with AEM-FDM-001-016 origincode: 400, error invoking service


Thank you for all of your help.



Employee Advisor

can we do a web session to look at the problem?

if yes please send me the link via private message


Employee Advisor

can you also add the following to the logger



Level 3

I added that but didn't see any changes.

I decided to try on our staging environment to see if there were differences. This is what I found.

sn-basic-rest is the cloud service datasource
sn-basic-rest-fdm is the form data model
sn-basic-rest-form is the form


From log:

POST /content/forms/af/testing/sn-basic-rest-form/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.submit.jsp HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.aem.dermis.core.service.slingmodel.FormDataModelManager Data source display name could not be updated because of Not an absolute path: sn-basic-rest/jcr:content/cq:lastModified

GET /content/forms/af/testing/sn-basic-rest-form.html HTTP/1.1] com.day.cq.wcm.foundation.TemplatedContainer page has no template assigned


From developer console:

POST - 404 on /sn-basic-rest-form/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp (this returns a 200 on author but a 500 on submit.jsp)
GET - 404 on /sn-basic-rest-form/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.dermis