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[AF] [AEM-AF-901-004]: Encountered an internal error while submitting the form


Level 3



Hi AEM Adaptive form Guru's

Highlighted in red is where I am getting error when browser from dispatcher


Note: I have checked similar questions in AEM forums and it is not helping resolve the issue.


Environment : AEM 6.5 

Author | Publish | Dispatcher  environment

Adaptive form works in Author | Adaptive form works in publish | Error when click on submit in AF when I use hostname (from Dispatcher)

[AF] [AEM-AF-901-004]: Encountered an internal error while submitting the form


Accessing adaptive form from Dispatcher using the hostname does not work.  When I click on submit in the AF form  I get the following error.  I have just used on textbox and one submit button in AF(Adaptive form) 


When I check the Network/Console of the browser I see the following errors

Post http:/sdfjlsjflsjdlfsfd.com/content/forms/af/wtc/testing/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmi... 404 (Not Found)

I have commented whole of dispatcher filter file and allowed everything, still I get the internal error.

Did anyone face this issue.  

Let me know if you need any additional information.




1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor


That is my settings for Apache Sling Referrer Filter

suggest you log a support ticket to get this resolved. 


View solution in original post

35 Replies


Level 9

What is your web server?


Level 3
REd hat linux


Level 3
Apache web server


Level 1
Any resolution on this issue, having the same problem, AEM 6.5


Employee Advisor

what is your submit action configured to?


Level 3
I have created a customSubmit


Level 3
<% %><%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%> <%@taglib prefix="cq" uri="http://www.day.com/taglibs/cq/1.0"%> <%@ page import="org.apache.sling.api.request.RequestParameter,com.day.cq.wcm.api.WCMMode,com.adobe.forms.common.submitutils.CustomParameterRequest,com.adobe.aemds.guide.submitutils.*" %> <%@ page import="org.apache.sling.api.request.RequestParameter,com.day.cq.wcm.api.WCMMode" %> <%@page session="false" %> <% com.adobe.aemds.guide.utils.GuideSubmitUtils.setForwardPath(slingRequest,"/bin/storeafsubmission",null,null); %>


Level 3
I have put that in post.POST.jsp under Apps in Sling:folder


Level 3
I am not sure if it is hitting this from the internalSubmit.jsp as this jsp is not found


Employee Advisor
to confirm this works for you without going through the dispatcher - is that correct


Employee Advisor
my dispatcher.ini file has /0924 { /type "allow" /method "POST" /url "/bin/batchServlet*" } /0925 { /type "allow" /method "GET" /url "/bin/applyrights*" }


Level 3
i have allowed all the paths /0001 { /type "allow" method "*" /url "*" } /0002 { /type "allow" method "*" /path "*"}


Level 3
it does not work


Level 3
can you paste here the exact forms package you used.... try and match that


Employee Advisor

Can you provide the screen shot of your form submission configuration?

also can you check your dispatcher logs?


Level 3
grep -i "internal" error_log-20200810 (no results)


Level 3

grep -i "interal" dispatcher.log

[Sun Aug 09 21:32:09 2020] [I] [pid 23745] "POST /content/forms/af/wtc/contact-us/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp" ! - 8ms [publishfarm/-] [Sun Aug 09 21:32:12 2020] [I] [pid 23745] "POST /content/forms/af/wtc/contact-us/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp" ! - 8ms [publishfarm/-] [Sun Aug 09 21:40:33 2020] [I] [pid 23509] "POST /content/forms/af/wtc/basicform/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp" ! - 7ms [publishfarm/-] [Sun Aug 09 21:40:37 2020] [I] [pid 23509] "POST /content/forms/af/wtc/basicform/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp" ! - 7ms [publishfarm/-] [Sun Aug 09 21:40:41 2020] [I] [pid 23509] "POST /content/forms/af/wtc/basicform/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp" ! - 8ms [publishfarm/-] [Sun Aug 09 22:44:26 2020] [I] [pid 118904] "GET /etc.clientlibs/wtc/clientlibs/resources/icons/svg/InternalIcon_Black.svg" - - 0ms [publishfarm/-] [Sun Aug 09 22:44:26 2020] [I] [pid 23647] "GET /etc.clientlibs/wtc/clientlibs/resources/icons/svg/InternalIcon_White.svg" - - 1ms [publishfarm/-] [Sun Aug 09 22:44:35 2020] [I] [pid 23742] "POST /content/forms/af/wtc/contact-us/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp" ! - 8ms [publishfarm/-] [Sun Aug 09 22:44:48 2020] [I] [pid 23647] "POST /content/forms/af/wtc/contact-us/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp" ! - 8ms [publishfarm/-] [Mon Aug 10 00:30:32 2020] [I] [pid 15214] "GET /etc.clientlibs/wtc/clientlibs/resources/icons/svg/InternalIcon_Black.svg" - - 0ms [publishfarm/-] [Mon Aug 10 00:30:32 2020] [I] [pid 15214] "GET /etc.clientlibs/wtc/clientlibs/resources/icons/svg/InternalIcon_White.svg" - - 0ms [publishfarm/-] [Mon Aug 10 00:30:49 2020] [I] [pid 15593] "POST /content/forms/af/wtc/contact-us/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp" ! - 9ms [publishfarm/-] [Mon Aug 10 00:48:55 2020] [I] [pid 118904] "POST /content/forms/af/wtc/testing/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp" ! - 9ms [publishfarm/-] [Mon Aug 10 00:49:23 2020] [I] [pid 15214] "POST /content/forms/af/wtc/testing/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp" ! - 7ms [publishfarm/-] [Mon Aug 10 00:49:39 2020] [I] [pid 10255] "POST /content/forms/af/wtc/testing/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp" ! - 8ms [publishfarm/-] [Mon Aug 10 02:08:20 2020] [I] [pid 23750] "POST /content/forms/af/wtc/testing/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp" ! - 11ms [publishfarm/-] [Mon Aug 10 02:32:59 2020] [I] [pid 31733] "POST /content/forms/af/wtc/testing/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp" ! - 8ms [publishfarm/-]


Employee Advisor

can you put a simple System.out.println statement in your jsp and see if that is being written to AEM server log


Level 3
I do not think the dispatcher request is coming till jsp as per the console error it is stopping at internalSubmit.jsp


Level 3
I have attached the screenshot in the main question