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AEM Forms AEMaacs : attach a servlet to form


Level 10


I am using AEMaaCS and AEM forms with core components and associated template . I want to attach a component to a servlet say for eg at /bin or at a res type. Is this possible ?

I see clientlibrary can be attached to the root panel where I believe I can write script but did someone try this out ? 




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6 Replies


Level 10

Was looking towards integration . I understand the servlet logic but the integration is what I was trying to get to. Thanks for your prompt response . Kindly let me know 



Can you explain you did you figure this out as I have kind of similar requirement?


Level 10

Hi @KritikaGo , try the function output in rules and have a client lib. Put the function it in and invoke the Ajax call. Say if the servlet is exposed at /bin/x (note - bin is not preferred and is an example here) the js invokes it via Ajax